Per-Åke Svensson 3WS(Prague/Secretariat)4 IEC/ISO Documentation system TC3 Workshop – Prague, Czech Republic 2008-10-08 Per-Åke Svensson 3WS(Prague/Secretariat)4
Contents Background Present situation Proposal Discussion
Contents Background Present situation Proposal Discussion
Background Background Idea first time presented at the TC3 Workshop in Cape Town 2005 Promotion of the “systems approach” Need for realistic examples of application of IEC 61082-1 Registered as Stage 0 work 1st draft outlined Effort to co-ordinate with ISO/TC10 was positively met 2006 2nd draft prepared Then no real activity
The system and its environment Background The system and its environment
Contents Background Present situation Proposal Discussion
Present situation Present situation Discussed at the TC3 meeting in Paris 2007 and it was decided to keep it, but postpone it because of lack of resources Elaboration of more complete examples has appeared also in the revision of IEC 81346
Present situation Present situation An overview of the entire documentation system would be useful for the definition of the scopes and the relations of standards to being revised and developed Revision of IEC 62023 to be started Relation of IEC 62023 to IEC 62569 (BDS) Relation of IEC 62569 to IEC 61360
Contents Background Present situation Proposal Discussion
Proposal Publication series Elaborate a series of publications on the “IEC-ISO Documentation System” in co-operation with ISO/TC10 Part 1: Overview and general description of the system Part 2: Application example for XYZ products Part 3: Application example for PQR plants Part n: Etc. The publications are likely to be reports, not standards
Proposal Project Team and task Set up a formal Project Team for the development of the stage 0 project Tasks: To elaborate on the structure for the series of publications To develop part 1 to a state where it can be appended to a formal new work item proposal To propose product/plants for which application examples could be prepared (These examples should then preferably be developed by specific teams with the appropriate application knowledge)
Proposal Rationale and usage Help users to use the full potential of the documentation system Help users to broaden their view and/or to see the place of their documentation in a bigger context Increase the quality of the technical documentation generally Help users to understand how IEC and ISO standards supplement each other Help schools and academia to teach use of standards in the documentation area
Proposal Rationale and usage Especially useful for Small and Medium size Enterprises and organizations that have limited resources for the study of standards …
It is a demanding task, even if the publications are just reports!
Contents Background Present situation Proposal Discussion
Discussion Is there a need or just “nice to have”? Can we manage? On the market? In IEC for other TCs? In our own TC? Can we manage? Can we find resources?
Thank you!