Program Advising Arts FLTC 22nd August 2016
Definition The difference between Academic advising and Program advising:
Issues At the end of every session, we have students who received incorrect or incomplete advice and were not able to graduate. Most cases are regarding People and Planet units. There is often no written evidence of the incorrect advice. Students are often not informed until late, unless they contact the university themselves. Individual Cases are raised but they take time to process. There are changes in the curriculum each year. Students tend to seek advice from multiple departments or academic advisers, for those who are in a double degree or double major.
Issues Example of inappropriate advising: “Yes, you are fine to graduate with a double degree, as long as, as [Adviser #2] says, you do a Planet unit at 200 level or above. I think that it is likely the [Department X] adviser was suggesting that you needed to an extra unit because they were looking at a different handbook (ie not the 2012 programme). If you want to doublecheck with [Department X] you could go and see them again and confirm that you are looking at the 2012 programme and can they confirm that you are okay to go on without any further [Department X] studies. Both [Adviser #2] and I think so, and I am confident in his judgement if not always mine! Is that okay? I will send [Adviser #2]’s comments again which you can take to the [Department X] advisor if you want to – but as I say, I am pretty confident with that planet unit you should be fine.”
Process Program advice is usually provided online to students to ensure that everything is recorded in ASK on each student’s file. Students submit enquiry on (Attn: Arts Student Centre – Program Advising). All Arts Student Centre staff are trained to provide program advice. If a student contacts an academic staff for program advising, please refer them to the Arts Student Centre or ask them to submit an enquiry online.
Benefits Reduces workload for academic advisers Provides a positive experience for students (convenience) Better record-keeping The advice is accessible by any staff member who has access to the Tracker system
Contact Information If you have any questions, please contact the Arts Student Centre: x4088 x8762 x7930 x6801