Nicholas A. Procopio, Ph.D, GISP Environmental GIS Nicholas A. Procopio, Ph.D, GISP
Question? Can we develop a measure of habitat integrity using land-cover data? What is the best way to evaluate this? What spatial tools will accommodate this analysis? Spatial analysis toolbox
Land-use/Land-cover data (2007)
…and rasterized!!!!
Notice the pixelization.
Spatial Analyses Reclassify Reclass cover types as Reclassifies (or changes) the values in a raster. Reclass cover types as habitat (1) or nonhabitat (0)
Spatial Analyses Focal Stat. Calculates for each input cell location a statistic of the values within a specified neighborhood around it.
Sum all the pixels in a 1000 meter radius surrounding each pixel. This value can than be normalized as a percentage of the maximum possible.
Focal Statistic Output
Intermediate steps… Convert to float values. {Float} Converts each cell value of a raster into a floating-point representation. (continuous value to floating point values). Recalculate as a percentage of window maximum. {Divide} Window max = 100 pixels radius, pi*100^2 = 31417 pixels
Focal Statistic Output, as a percentage 100 habitat integrity?
habitat integrity less altered lands X {times} 0/1 data Cell value habitat integrity less altered lands
Reclassify decimal values to categories.
10 meter DEM
Slope (three cell neighborhood)
Slope (three cell neighborhood)