Schedule Welcome & Prayer Connectional Conference Plan Overview Small & Large Group Dialogue Micro Groups Opening Question Closing Prayer
Upcoming Weeks Session 1 – Introduction Session 2 – One Church Model Session 3 – Connectional Conference Session 4 – Traditional Plan
Opening Prayer [Your text here.]
Guideline / Covenant [Your text here.]
Opening Circle Is there anything keeping you from being fully present?
Goals Information about Special Called General Conference February 2019 Build trust and deepen relationships Learn from one another
Hymn [Your text here.]
Micro Groups Is there anything keeping you from being fully present?
Question What are you most curious about regarding LGBTQ inclusion?
The Connectional Conference Plan Would create three branches of the church, referred to as Connectional Conferences. While the three branches would share responsibility and receive support from a number of general church boards and agencies…
The Connectional Conference Plan …and operate under a unified Council of Bishops, each branch would have a significant degree of autonomy when it comes to sexual ethics, teachings on marriage, and ordination standards.
The Connectional Conference Plan Would require annual conferences to adopt a number of Constitutional amendments Every Annual Conference will have to pass amendments by 2/3 of conference votes from ballots of all annual conferences
Small Group Dialogue Any questions about the Connectional Conference Plan?
Small Group Dialogue What can you affirm in the Connectional Conference Plan?
Small Group Dialogue What in the Connectional Conference Plan raises questions?
Small Group Dialogue What causes you the most concern about the Connectional Conference Plan?
Small Group Dialogue If the Special Called General Conference adopted this plan I would…
Large Group Dialogue What did your small group affirm about the Connectional Conference Plan?
Large Group Dialogue What questions were raised about the Connectional Conference Plan?
Large Group Dialogue What caused your small group the most concern about the Connectional Conference Plan?
Large Group Dialogue One thing you learned from our time together is…
Homework Read petitions for Traditional Plan
Closing Prayer [Your text here.]