Hrvatski institut za tehnologiju


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Presentation transcript:

Hrvatski institut za tehnologiju SUZANA KARABAIĆ People NCP Hrvatski institut za tehnologiju 13.12.2007. Sveučilište u Zagrebu

Ultimate goal: an open, competitive and attractive Europe for researchers

PEOPLE BUDŽET 4,7 milijardi eura (50% više nego u FP6 na godišnjoj razini) Program ima slijedeće ciljeve: Ojačati kvalitativno i kvantitativno europski ljudski potencijal u istraživanju i tehnologiji Povećati mobilnost istraživača Dati istraživačima perspektive za razvoj cjeloživotne karijere Poticati europske istraživače da ostanu u Europi Privući najbolje istraživače iz cijelog svijeta u Europu

The People Programme in its wider policy context Ultimate goal: an open, competitive and attractive Europe for researchers In summary three broad objectives: Create conditions for researchers to be mobile without obstacles Enhance status and attractiveness of a career in Europe Finance researchers’ training, mobility and career development

1.Breaking down obstacles to mobility The European Researcher’s Mobility Portal  ERA-MORE, the European Network of Mobility centres Directive on Scientific Visa  to be transposed into national law by October 2007

2. Attractiveness of a career in Europe 2005 Commission Recommendation on the « European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for their Recruitment» Framework for MS, employers and funders of research to remedy: Huge differences in career structures in European countries Non-transparent recruitment procedures Lack of career development prospects Impact on FP7: Charter and Code will be addressed at the evaluation phase in the "People" Programme and at the contract negotiation stage in other Specific Programmes

To be implemented.... on a voluntary basis

European Code & Charter Europska povelja za istraživače & Kodeks za novačenje istraživača European Charter for Researchers addresses: Roles and responsibilities Entitlements of researchers and their employers or funding organisations. Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers aims to: improve recruitment and make selection procedures fairer and more transparent proposes different means of judging merit

The Aim of the Code & the Charter Enhancement of quality of research environment Clarify commitments and obligations Ethical standards and professional responsibility Accountability and supervision, career development Working conditions Funding and salaries Gender and equal opportunities Selection and transparency Recognition of qualifications etc…

The People Programme in FP7 Initial training Initial Training Networks* Life-long training and career development Intra-European Fellowships / European Reintegration Grants Co-funding of regional/national/international programmes Industry dimension Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways* International dimension Outgoing & Incoming* International Fellowships; International Cooperation Scheme; International Reintegration grants; Support to researcher ‘diasporas’* Policy support actions Mobility and career enhancement actions * Open to third-country nationals

Initial training of researchers Marie Curie Initial Training Networks (ITN) Life-long training and career development Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships (IEF) European Reintegration Grants (ERG) Co-funding of regional/national/international programmes (COFUND) Industry-academia pathways and partnerships MC Industry-Academia Pathways and Partnerships Scheme (IAPP) International dimension MC International Outgoing and Incoming Fellowships (IOF / IIF) MC International Reintegration Grants (IRG) International Cooperation Scheme

Koja područja znanosti? Kako sudjelovati? EK objavljuje natječaje (calls for proposals) za rezličite tipove stipendija. Treba napisati kvalitetan prijedlog projekta, slijedeći definirane kriterije i javiti se na odgovarajući natječaj u predviđenom roku. Natječaji: 1x / god. Koja područja znanosti? Stipendije su namijenjene za znanstvenike i istraživače iz svih područja znanosti. Posebno su dobrodošli prijedlozi koji potiču multidisciplinarnost ili grade vezu između akademske zajednice i industrije.

What are host actions? Initial Training Networks (ITN) and Industry-Academia Pathways and Partnerships (IAPP) are host actions: consortium of various institutions applies for funding successful institutions advertise positions and select fellows/researchers themselves contract duration of consortium 3 – 4 years stays of individual researchers 3 – 36 months for ITN, 2 – 24 months for IAPP

What are individual actions? Intra-European/International Fellowships / Reintegration Grants are individual actions: individual researcher applies jointly with host institution duration at least 1 year for fellowships, 2 years for reintegration grants Fellowship/grant bound to individual (no replacement)

What institutions can take part? Organisations that are actively involved in research and/or research training: Universities/Institutes of Technology private and public research institutes companies big and small NGO’s etc.

Where can institutions be located? 27 EU Member states (MS) 10 Associated Countries (AC) almost on equal footing with MS More than 140 International Cooperation Partner Countries (ICPC) additional partners, can receive full funding Other Third Countries (OTC) additional partners, generally not funded

What researchers can take part? No age limits – what counts is level of experience (full-time equivalent) Early-Stage Researchers (ESR): 0 – 4 years of research experience since degree qualifying them to embark on a doctorate (irrespective of whether a doctorate is actually envisaged), and no PhD Experienced Researchers (ER): either in possession of a doctoral degree, or at least 4 years of research experience

What is (geographical) mobility? Fellow has not been resident in the host country for more than 12 months within the last 3 years Fellow does not have the nationality of the host country. Special rules in case of: dual citizenship European researcher returning from a third country third country researcher having resided in Europe for a long time international organisations

Marie Curie Initial Training Networks (ITN) Initial training of researchers Marie Curie Initial Training Networks (ITN) Life-long training and career development Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships (IEF) European Reintegration Grants (ERG) Co-funding of regional/national/international programmes (COFUND) Industry-academia pathways and partnerships MC Industry-Academia Pathways and Partnerships Scheme (IAPP) International dimension MC International Outgoing and Incoming Fellowships (IOF / IIF) MC International Reintegration Grants (IRG) International Cooperation Scheme

Initial Training Networks Network of at least three institutions from 3 different MS/AC (single-site / twinning possible if embedded in existing network) Industry participation encouraged Provide research training and training in complementary skills to researchers at the start of their career

What do ITN’s offer? Fellowships to ESR’s (3 – 36 months) and early post-docs (3 – 24 months), mobility required Visiting scientists (shorter visits to provide specific training), mobility required Training and networking events, can be open to external researchers

Initial training of researchers Marie Curie Initial Training Networks (ITN) Life-long training and career development Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships (IEF) European Reintegration Grants (ERG) Co-funding of regional/national/international programmes (COFUND) Industry-academia pathways and partnerships MC Industry-Academia Pathways and Partnerships Scheme (IAPP) International dimension MC International Outgoing and Incoming Fellowships (IOF / IIF) MC International Reintegration Grants (IRG) International Cooperation Scheme

Industry-Academia Pathways and Partnerships Partnership of at least two organisations from different sectors in different countries to develop longer term strategic partnership Transfer of knowledge primarily through intersectoral staff exchange (2 – 24 months) with mandatory return phase (limited amount of same-country exchange possible) Injection of new knowledge through recruitment (12 – 24 months) of ER’s from outside the partnership (optional, mobility required)

What do IAPP’s offer? Salary costs during secondment phase (not return phase), and for new recruits. Transfer of knowledge and networking events, can be open to external researchers Only for SME’s: small equipment costs (up to 10% of the SME’s budget).

Initial training of researchers Marie Curie Initial Training Networks (ITN) Life-long training and career development Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships (IEF) European Reintegration Grants (ERG) Co-funding of regional/national/international programmes (COFUND) Industry-academia pathways and partnerships MC Industry-Academia Pathways and Partnerships Scheme (IAPP) International dimension MC International Outgoing and Incoming Fellowships (IOF / IIF) MC International Reintegration Grants (IRG) International Cooperation Scheme

Intra-European Fellowships For the career development and competence diversification of experienced researchers (with or without PhD, from post-doc to senior researcher) Complementing or acquiring new skills and competencies Enhancing inter/multidisciplinary and intersectoral mobility Any research topic, no thematic priorities Any host institution in a MS/AC (could be a company) – mobility is a must Duration 1 – 2 years

European Reintegration Grants Following a Marie Curie fellowship of at least 18 months duration (could be a host fellowship) For ERs from MS/AC or assimilated Support to the longer-term (re-)integration in any MS/AC institution different from the initial host, including in country of origin: contribution to the research and/or salary costs during 2 – 3 years (€15,000/year) host institution must provide adequate work contract for at least the duration of the project

Initial training of researchers Marie Curie Initial Training Networks (ITN) Life-long training and career development Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships (IEF) European Reintegration Grants (ERG) Co-funding of regional/national/international programmes (COFUND) Industry-academia pathways and partnerships MC Industry-Academia Pathways and Partnerships Scheme (IAPP) International dimension MC International Outgoing and Incoming Fellowships (IOF / IIF) MC International Reintegration Grants (IRG) International Cooperation Scheme

International Dimension Life long training and career development of EU researchers To attract research talent from outside Europe Foster mutually beneficial research collaboration through international staff exchanges From 2008 new scheme: staff exchange scheme for EU Neighbourhood policy and S & T agreement countries Actions: International Outgoing Fellowships for career Development (IOF) International Incoming Fellowships (IIF) International Reintegration Grants (IRG)

International Outgoing Fellowships To reinforce the international dimension of the career of experienced researchers who are nationals of a MS/AC Two phases (fellowship covers both phases): outgoing phase (1 – 2 years) for training and career development in any third country institution mandatory return phase (1 year) in distinct legal entity in MS/AC for reintegration and knowledge transfer Contract is with the return host (responsible for return of the fellow) Mobility is a must

Incoming International Fellowships To reinforce scientific excellence of MS/AC by attracting top-class experienced third country researchers (not assimilated to MS/AC nationals) Enhance possibility for future collaborations One or two phases: incoming phase (1 – 2 years) in any MS/AC (fellowship) optional return phase (1 year) if researcher is from an ICPC country (€15,000/year towards research costs) Contracts with European and return host Mobility is a must

International Reintegration Grants For ERs from MS/AC who have been active in a third country for at least 3 years have not spent more than 12 months in a MS/AC within the last 3 years are not employed in research in MS/AC at the deadline for submission of proposals Support to the longer-term (re-)integration in any MS/AC institution: contribution to the research and/or salary costs during 2 – 4 years (€25,000/year) host institution must commit itself to effective integration for at least the duration of the project

REFERENCE RATES FOR MONTHLY LIVING ALLOWANCES CATEGORIES A (€/YEAR) B Early stage researchers 33 800 16 900 Experienced researchers (4-10 years experience) 52 000 26 000 Experienced researchers (>10 years experience) 78 000 38 000 A: Researchers recruited under an employment contract/fellowship with full social security coverage B: Researchers recieiving a fixed-amount fellowship with minimum social security coverage STIPENDIJA=IZNOS (A ili B) X KOREKCIJSKI FAKTOR ( za host country)

KOREKCIJSKI FAKTORI (%) 130-150: Island, Norveška; Danska 110-120: UK, Švicarska, Finska, Irska 100-110: Švedska, Italija, Austrija, Luksemburg, Australija, USA, Belgija, Hrvatska (105,8), Nizozemska, Njemačka 90-100: Španjolska, Izrael, Turska, Portugal 80-90: Slovačka, Kanada, Češka, Grčka 70-80: Estonija, Mađarska, Bugarska, Bosna i Hercegovina, Slovenija, Poljska 50-60: Rumunjska, Indija

STIPENDIJA + MOGUĆI DODACI (različito za svaku stipendiju) Eligible expenses for the activities carried out by the researchers Monthly living allowance - Mobility allowance ( €500/€800 monthly, depending on family situation, only if transnationally mobile) - Travel Allowance (depending on distance) Career exploratory allowance (€2,000 once, for projects of at least 12 months duration, not for all schemes) - Contribution to the participation expenses of eligible researchers (between €300 and €800 per fellow-months, depending on scheme and nature of project) Eligible expenses for the activities carried out by the host organisations - Contribution to the research/ training /transfer of knowledge programme expenses - Contribution to the organisation of international conferences, workshops and events - Management activities (including audit certification, max. 3 % (max. 7% for ITN)) - Contribution to overheads (10 % of direct costs except subcontracting) - Other types of eligible expenses / specific conditions

Opportunities from FP6 Many projects from FP6 are still running: Transfer of Knowledge, Early Stage Training, Excellence Teams, … For vacancies visit:

“People” program S&T Quality Training Implementation Impact Researcher OPĆENITI EVALUACIJSKI KRITERIJI ZA PROJEKTE (PROPOSAL) S&T Quality Znanstvena i/ili tehnološka izvrsnost relevantnost Training Kvaliteta + ponuđene komplementarne vještine (npr. Menagement, Communication, IPR, Ethics, Grant writing, Commercial exploitation of results, Research Policy, entrepreneurship) Implementation Kvaliteta i efikasnost implementacije i menagementa (kapaciteti, ljudski potencijal, infrastruktura) Impact Potencijalni utjecaj na razvoj, diseminaciju i korištenje rezultata projekta Researcher Istraživačko Iskustvo

Key Lessons from FP6 experience Write a concise and readable proposal, clear objectives and workplan Communication - between Co-ordinator, Participants and Administrations Get to know the Commission Project Officer – and NCP! Submit reports (incl financial claims) on time Respond quickly to Commission requests for clarifications and refer constantly to the contract Be an evaluator

MORE INFO FP7: European Researcher’s Mobility Portal: Newsletter “Europe4Researchers”: EU DG Research:

Pomoć u People / Marie Curie Actions NCP = National Contact Point (