Point Clouds as Coverages 95th OGC Technical Committee Boulder, Colorado USA Peter Baumann 1 June 2015 Copyright © 2015 Open Geospatial Consortium
Rectified GridCoverage The Coverage Family Spatio-temporal, n-D Any suitable format Interoperable, testable Can be served by many WxS etc «FeatureType» Abstract Coverage Grid Coverage MultiSolid Coverage Rectified GridCoverage MultiSurface Coverage Referenceable GridCoverage MultiCurve Coverage MultiPoint Coverage
Point Clouds in the Coverage Family Rectified GridCoverage Spatio-temporal, n-D Any suitable format Interoperable, testable Can be served by many WxS etc «FeatureType» Abstract Coverage Grid Coverage MultiSolid Coverage Rectified GridCoverage MultiSurface Coverage Referenceable GridCoverage MultiCurve Coverage MultiPoint Coverage
Point Clouds: Service Functionality in WCS WCS Core: access to n-D coverages & subsets format encoding on the fly subset = trim | slice WCS Extensions: optional functionality facets Future: Clustering, thinning, etc on Point Clouds? WCS Application Profiles: domain-oriented bundling of extensions EO, MetOcean, (Sensors), ... PointClouds? Large, growing implementation basis: rasdaman, GDAL, QGIS, OpenLayers, OPeNDAP, MapServer, GeoServer, NASA WorldWind, EOx-Server; Pyxis, ERDAS, ArcGIS, ...
Extensible Support by Coverages Point Cloud data: uniform embedding in one of OGC’s base structures high-level uniform handling of space + time format independent Point Cloud services: function-rich, mature service framework Harmonized with relevant other OGC standards