Greenhouse Effect You already know what it is: Sun’s energy passes through the windshield. Don’t write this, THINK about it ! Energy (heat) is trapped inside the car & cannot pass back through the windshield, causing the warm up. Should I leave my dog or baby in the car?
What are the “other gases” that cause the greenhouse effect? The natural warming of Earth’s surface & lower atmosphere due to trapped heat energy. What are the “other gases” that cause the greenhouse effect?
Greenhouse Gases: CO2 = carbon dioxide CH4 = methane N20 = Nitrous oxide
Burning of Fossil Fuels Pollution from coal, natural gas, and oil Pollution from coal, natural gas, and oil Pollution from coal, natural gas, and oil 5
Why is Venus the hottest planet in the solar system even though Mercury is a lot closer to the Sun? Hint: Venus has a very thick atmosphere of carbon dioxide (CO2) Answer: the extra CO2 causes the greenhouse effect to be stronger by trapping more heat Venus has an average surface temperature hot enough to melt lead! THINK ABOUT IT