Poll Methodology Tel. 22 76 86, tel/fax 21 27 96
The Economy General Aspects
Do you consider the direction our country in moving toward as right or wrong? Basis: 1104
Difference up to 100% represents no-responses How much are you content with the Government activities in the following fields: Basis: 1104 Not content at all/Not so content Quite content/Very content Difference up to 100% represents no-responses
The difference up to 100% represents no-responses How do you appreciate the economical situation in the Republic of Moldova? Basis:1104 The economical situation compared to the one of a year ago The economical situation in a year The difference up to 100% represents no-responses
What do you think about the objective to create in Moldova a market economy? Basis : 1104
How do you the appreciate the economy existing practically in the Republic of Moldova ? Basis: 1100
What should be done to improve the social-economic situation in the country ? Basis: 1104
Life Quality. Social Problems
Which are the things you are most afraid of at present ? Basis: 1104
How content are you generally with the way you live ? Basis: 1104
How content are you with: Basis: 1104 Not content at all/Not so content Quite content/Very content I do not know No response
Do you think you will live better next year? Basis: 1104 How is your life at present compared to the one of a year ago? Basis: 1104 Do you think you will live better next year? Basis: 1104
How do you evaluate the present income of your family? Basis: 1104
If you won a large amount of money , what would you do with it If you won a large amount of money , what would you do with it? Basis: 1104
Have you spent in 2001 any holiday time at the seaside, in the mountains, at parents, at friends ? If yes, where? Basis: 1104
Difference up to 100% represents non-responses How often … ? Basis: 1104 Difference up to 100% represents non-responses
Whom would you choose as neighbours and whom not? Basis: 1104 Would not chooe as neighbours : Would choose as neighbours: Difference up to 100% represents no-responses
Difference up to 100% represents no-responses Have you or has someone in your family had to solve this year any problem at the: Basis: 1104 No Yes Difference up to 100% represents no-responses
Difference up to 100% represents no-responses To solve your problem, did you have to offer presents at the: Basis: 1104 Did not offer presents Offered some presents Did not address to Difference up to 100% represents no-responses
To solve your problem, did you have to offer presents at : No Yes
To what extent do you think is ensured your : Basis: 1104 Personal security Ecological security Economical security Health security Public security Political security Food security
What would you do,if you had a real opportunity to leave Moldova, What would you do,if you had a real opportunity to leave Moldova,? Basis: 1104
To what extent are you interested in politics ? Basis: 1104
To what extent people like you can influence on important decisions to be taken … Basis: 1104
How much dou you trust in ...? Basis: 1104 Do not trust at all/Do not trust so much Some trust/Very much trust Difference up to 100% represents no-responses
Which is the political personality in Moldova you trust the most Which is the political personality in Moldova you trust the most ? Basis: 1104 Open question
How much do you trust in the following political personalities How much do you trust in the following political personalities ? Basis: 1104 I do not trust at all/I do not trust so much | Some trust/Very much trust I do not know this person | No response
Difference up to 100% represents no-response Which of the following statements are closer to your opinion ? Basis: 1104 Difference up to 100% represents no-response
Which political parties in your country are, in your opinion, able to contribute today to overcoming the crisis ? Basis: 1104 Open question
If parliamentary elections had to be organized next Sunday , what political party or independent candidate would you vote for? Basis: 1104
Do you think parliamentary elections could be more successful if they were conducted on party lists or if they were nominative ? Basis: 1104
In your opinion which should be the prior orientation of our country In your opinion which should be the prior orientation of our country ? Basis: 1104
Difference up to 100% represents no-responses In your opinion, which are the most important objectives for the Republic of Moldova at present ? Basis: 1104 Difference up to 100% represents no-responses
Which is your personal attitude toward the problem of the official language ? Basis: 1104
What do you think about studying the Russian language compulsorily in all Moldavian schools ? Basis: 1104