Report on the use of GI in NMA in the Republic of Romania Workshop for Candidate Countries on Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Joint meeting with National Statistical Offices and National Mapping Agencies Luxembourg, October 24, 2001 Jean Monnet Building (Room "M5") Beginning of the meeting: 10 a.m.
G I S Concept of GIS system in I.C.G.F.C. Analog-digital fotogrametric systems Digital Fotogrametric systems Analitical Fotogrametric systems Fotogrametric Scanner system Digitizing systems Cartographic scanner system G I S WEB SERVER Plottig systems Project GIS management systems GDBS Network management systems
The digital map of Romania scale 1:500.000
Danube Delta – 1:50.000
Timis district – 1:50.000
Planimetry – 1:50.000
Elevation – 1:50.000
Digital map 1:1.000
Query from GIS – land category
Query from GIS – parcels, owners