Disclosure Statement
Who Are We?
CRMC Women & Children's Services
What is CPQCC?
Hospital Births: NICU Admissions by Birth Weight Group CY 2015
Cohort Demographics, 2015 401 to 1500 grams or 22-29 weeks gestation
Antenatal Steroids 24 to 33/6 weeks gestation, 2015; Inborn vs. Outborn
Duration of Assisted Ventilation 401to 1500 grms or 22 to 29 weeks, CY 2015
Surfactant Use 401to 1500 grs or 22 to 29 weeks, CY 2015
Duration of Assisted Ventilation 401to 1500 grms or 22 to 29 weeks, CY 2015
Discharged Home on Oxygen: Infants 401 to 1,500 grams or 22 to 29 weeks of gestation, CY 2015
ROP All Infants 401 to 1,500 grams or 22 to 29 weeks of Gestation born between 01/01/2015 and 12/31/2015
Pneumothorax at CRMC, 2015
Non – Invasive NCPAP Delivered Care
RAM Cannula FDA approved as a Class 1 medical device, as a nasal cannula for delivering Oxygen. CPAP interfaces are Class 2 Medical Devices
Emerging Non-Invasive Ventilation Support Utilized at CRMC
NIV/BiPhasic VDR
NIV/BiPhasic VDR
NIV/BiPhasic VDR
NIV/BiPhasic VDR
NIV/BiPhasic VDR
NIV/BiPhasic VDR
NIV/BiPhasic VDR
NIV/BiPhasic VDR
NIV/BiPhasic VDR
Emerging Non-Invasive Support Utilized at CRMC Is IPV Therapy Safe in the NICU?
IPV in the NICU
IPV in the NICU
IPV in the NICU
IPV in the NICU
IPV in the NICU
IPV in the NICU