Amr Amin Preeti Mulage UCLA CKY Group STT-RAM Test Chip #1 Weekly Status Report Date: Wed Oct-14-2009 Amr Amin Preeti Mulage UCLA CKY Group
Access Device Sharing Paths for current exist in every row Sharing is not possible using this architecture We are back to one access device for each cell !
LVT Access Transistor Max RP and RAP for the three cells for different write currents Low VTH Std VTH
LVT Access Transistor Max RP and RAP vs. WCELL for IWRITE = 500μA
Leakage Simulation Leakage vs. Number of Rows in the array – Current design : 64 rows Cell # 2 Cell # 3 LVT Acc Dev LVT Acc Dev
MTJ Data Green cells fit in Cell #2 design space Red cells do not fit for Cell #2 No cells fit for Cells #1 and #3
MTJ Design Space
Column MUX Sizing Model
Column MUX Sizing Simulation