Instead of 5 words for each prefix, use 3 Working with Prefixes Instead of 5 words for each prefix, use 3 PowerPoint Prefix Project: you need to research the prefixes to come up with at least 5 words for each prefix. Define the prefix, and explain how the prefix changes the meaning of the word. Then, put the word in a sentence! (Stay away from ‘baby’ words!) Due for presentations Friday!
Re, mis, pre, post, dis, un, uni, sub, super, im, in
RE – to do again; back recalculate - to calculate again. I calculated a problem in Ms. Lee’s class incorrectly, so she made me recalculate it. Report - to give information about something that has happened. Revise – to rethink something.
Mis - wrongly Misinform – give wrong information; I misinformed Erin when I thought we were going to Disneyworld but we weren’t. Misinterpret – misunderstand; I Misinterpreted for math homework. Mispronounce – I mispronounced a word today. Mistake – I made a mistake with prefixes yesterday.
Dis – away, not, negative Dismiss – My teachers have to dismiss everyone when the bell rings. disallow – some teachers disallow students a restroom break during class. disperse – I disperse my toys sometimes when I unpack them from there containers
Uni - one Unilateral – The principal makes a unilateral speech. Universal – Unity –
Un - not uncooked - Unharmed- Unintended- Unhappy-
Pre - before
Post - after
Im/in – to mean the opposite
Sub - under
Super - extra