Roots, Prefixes, Suffixes REVIEW
Root agri farm, field
Root aud hear, listen
Root bene good, well
Root circum around
Root corp body
Root dict speak
to last, to hold out, to harden Root dur to last, to hold out, to harden
Root equ/equi equal
Root hydro water
Root luna moon
Root nav ship
Root ped foot
Root psych mind, soul
Root sci know
Root sent/sens feel, be aware
Root sol/soli alone
Root spec look, see
one who receives an action Suffix -ee one who receives an action
small, female, imitation Suffix -et/-ette small, female, imitation
Suffix -ian person, one who __
quality of ____, process of ___ Suffix -ion state of __, quality of ____, process of ___
Suffix -ive inclined to ___
Prefix ab- away from
Prefix im- not
Prefix in- not
Prefix inter- among, between
Prefix mal- bad
Prefix uni- one, single