All About Our Mighty Mateys’ Classroom Ahoy Parents All About Our Mighty Mateys’ Classroom
School Wide Discipline Step Plan Creating a School Climate to Foster Learning and Creativity School Wide Discipline Step Plan Mrs. Melodie Fulmer Dean of Students Mrs. Fulmer’s role at John Rex is to help guide us in creating a learning environment that is Safe, Respectful, and Responsible which is our Code of Conduct. We discuss with the students how walking on the right side of the stairwell, holding on to the railing is “Being Safe.” We talk about using quiet voices in the cafeteria is being respectful, and we discuss that taking ownership of our behavior is being responsible. With this code of conduct, we practice the procedures that go along with that. We practice walking in the hall, transitioning during specials, lining up for dismissal, and waiting in line in the cafeteria. These procedures, with practice, become routines….and good habits. For students that struggle with these procedures, we put them on a Discipline Step Plan (Teachers, you may insert YOUR step plan here or use this one) to assist them in following procedures. Please notice that parents are not contacted until (give stem level) unless the infraction calls for it. We are trying to instill “self discipline” within our students to help them mature in to self-regulating adults.
Learning Behaviors for Success SELF-DIRECTED LEARNER: Being Responsible for his or her own learning Works independently and asks for help Organizes workplace and materials Makes productive use of class time EFFECTIVE/ETHICAL USER OF TECHNOLOGY: Uses a variety of technologies effectively and ethically Uses school materials/tools properly (books, computers, crayons, scissors, glue etc) Uses various technologies to find information Uses various technologies to create new products Explains how technology is used every day Uses technology in a responsible manner John Rex Charter Elementary School’s Learning Behaviors for Success are the observable behaviors that contribute to a student's success in school, work, and life. They are important qualities in our social curriculum that we feel should be reported to parents. They do not exist in isolation, but should be an integral part of the school culture as demonstrated in daily classroom instruction and assessment. Therefore, LBS arerated on the qualities your child displays across all content areas and not just a single discipline. It is important that all teachers infuse the LBS into all areas of the curriculum and rate them accordingly, e.g., effective communicator is observed and rated in all classes and not only in Mathematics.
COMPLEX THINKER: demonstrates critical thinking and problem-solving strategies Uses prior knowledge and experiences to solve problems Explains answers and makes adjustments Solves problems in different ways QUALITY PRODUCER: recognizes and produces quality performance and quality products Strives to complete quality work Perseveres Demonstrates determination when completing tasks EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATOR: communicates effectively Listens attentively to gain understanding Follows directions Contributes effectively through speaking, listening, drawing & writing COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTOR: understands that it is essential for human beings to work together Participates cooperatively and appropriately with others to achieve shared goals Shows respect and recognizes feelings of others Follows school and classroom rules Makes good choices
Responsive Classroom Conduct “morning meetings” to create a sense of community Provide a place where students feel physically and emotionally safe Develop self discipline skills for working and learning together The Responsive Classroom approach is a way of creating a school climate that enables optimal academic and social growth. This approach ensures positive behavior and productive learning is taking place throughout the school, not just when the students are in my class. Our goal is that all students feel physically and emotionally safe in the school and develop self discipline skills for working and learning together. We are using this approach to ensure consistent behavior expectations of all students, teaching positive behavior to all students, and establishing school wide procedures for misbehavior.
Conscious Discipline
John Rex Curriculum Continuum This graphic shows the curriculum we implement along the continuum PreK through grade 5. Balanced Literacy is our overall approach to reading and writing. Each curriculum builds on one another as children grow through the years. Our Math program begins with foundational math exploration in prekindergarten and moves into a consistent use of the Bridges Math Curriculum.
Prekindergarten Development Cognitive: child’s ability to learn and solve problems Social & Emotional: child’s ability to interact with others and to appropriately control his/her behavior Speech & Language: child’s ability to understand and use language Fine Motor: child’s ability to use small muscles, specifically hands and fingers to manipulate objects Gross Motor: child’s ability to use large muscles
Math Perspectives Emphasis on Developing Number Concepts Balanced Instructional Settings: Circle Time & Whole Group (Create Patterns and Graphs) Shared experiences (Helping one another during table group time) Exploration Time & Work Stations (Unifix Cubes, Blocks, Play Dough Mats, etc.) Small Group – Guided instruction (Sorting, Shapes, Number Recognition, One-to-One Correspondence)
Pre-K Math Environment Engages children’s thinking Prompts questions & investigations Stimulates curiosity and wonder Encourages children to look for connections and relationships Helps children make sense of the mathematics in their world
Pre-k Math Experiences Number – finding out how many (Calendar Time) Spatial – how shapes fit together (Patten Blocks and Cards) Pattern – what comes next (Creating color and shape patterns) Measurement – making comparisons between objects (Describing the difference between shapes) Data Collection – sorting and counting (Sorting/Counting Elephants and Noodles
Literacy Beginnings Create a classroom community that is play-based and prepares children for the literacy-rich world in which they live Promotes constructive learning through inquiry Support emerging readers and writers through an array of literacy activities Interactive Reading Poems, Songs, and Finger Play Phonological Awareness Letter Recognition
Itchy’s Alphabet and Kid Writing Itchy’s Alphabet-Picture cues to help children learn how to form letters. Kid Writing-The purpose is to give kids the confidence to think of themselves as writers. Adult Writing V. Kid Writing
About our Classroom My goal as your child’s teacher is to provide opportunities that will result in authentic learning experiences. Through exploration and discovery, your child will gain a foundation of knowledge that will encourage your child to purposely strive for excellence. 7:45-8:15-Arrival 8:15-8:40-Morning Meeting 8:45-9:10-Morning Recess 9:15-10:30-Center Time 10:30-10:40-Bathroom Break 10:45-11:10-Lunch 11:10-11:35-Recess 11:35-11:55-Bathroom Break/Cosmic Yoga 11:55-1:50-Naptime 2:00-2:10-Snack 2:10-2:30-Free Choice 2:30-2:40-Closing Meeting 2:45-2:50-Pack-up/Dismissal
Classroom Management Plan
Classroom Procedures Carpet Procedures: Criss-cross, applesauce, hands in your lap. Table Procedures: Sitting in chair, with body under the table. If you are going to stand, then push your chair under the table and stand behind it. Line/Hallway Procedures: Hug and bubble, with eyes looking forward (may place hands in pockets or behind back as well).
Parent Communication & Thursday Folders Your child has a daily binder that is sent home. Your child’s binder will need to be returned daily. Don’t forget to do your reading log! Thursday folders will need to be signed every Thursday. Thursday folders will be sent home each week with completed student work, various communications from the teacher, the school, and the PTA. Parents are to sign and return the folder to school each Friday.
Homework Calendar Starting in September, your child will have a monthly homework calendar that will need to be completed by the last day of each month. Each student will have a notebook provided in his/her journal to use for homework. Please have your child journal the tasks front and back. Journal entries will need to be dated.
Library and Field Trips We will start going to the library in October! Our class day will be on Tuesday. If you would like to volunteer and walk with us on any walking trip, you must do so via Signup Genius. Please Note: If your child is unable to follow directions in the classroom, you may be asked to come be a guest with your child. The safety of all our little minions is extremely important. We will get to visit the Myriad Gardens and the Art Museum this year!
Big Ideas for Social Studies and Science This Quarter Community helpers Science: Pumpkin Investigation Your child will become familiar with the different roles of workers in a community. Your child will become familiar with identifying objects on a map. Your child will recognize the importance of his/her role as a member of the family, the class, and the community Your child will become familiar with measuring. Your child will become familiar with counting objects 1-10. Your child will become familiar with objects that sink or float. Your child will become familiar with sequencing.
Class Website, Class Dojo, and Signup Genius, and Scholastic Our class web address is Class Dojo-Preferred method of communication. Signup Genius is the site we will use to sign up for walking field trips, volunteer time for special projects in class, and library trips. Scholastic Books- Remember to place your order online using our class code P8C3Y. If we order $300 we will get 10,000 bonus points!!
Questions Does PreK go to the library? What should we do at home with our child? What are some of the daily activities? How do you handle kids that are advance and those who are not? Is it normal for my child to cry about coming to school? Answers: Yes! We will start going to the library in October. I encourage you to talk and read with your child everyday! This will help build your child’s vocabulary. Also, allow your child to take on responsibility such as picking out their uniform, cleaning their room, helping with dinner, etc. Also, think about your language i.e. poor choices v. bad choices. Some of our daily activities include center time. For example, blocks, light table, sand table, and so much more! Each child is different, and so is their learning style and learning pace! In our classroom each child will have individualized instruction time that meets his/her needs. Yes! Coming to school can be exciting and frightening as your little Matey learns to adjust.
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