The Letter to the Ephesians


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Presentation transcript:

The Letter to the Ephesians God’s plan to bring redemption

Author, Date, and Situation Our author is Paul who was likely in prison at the time of composition It would have been written between 60-62 A.D.

Recipients The letter was addressed to the Christians in Ephesus (Turkey.) Likely this letter was “encyclical” meaning that it was intended to be shared among other churches in Asia Minor

Ephesus Ephesus is an ancient city which is now in modern day Turkey. It was mainly a Greek city, but it became Roman in 129 B.C.E. Estimates say that the population may have been 33,600 to 56,000 people in the Roman period.

Ephesus Ephesus was a major commercial center, and a key location in the early church Paul started this church during his third missionary journey and stayed there for about 3 years, longer than any other church