Law of Definite Proportions Duties Recorder Materials Getter Principle Investigator Task Master Procedure Mass dry evaporating dish, and watch glass.* Add a small amount of hydrated CuSO4 to evaporating dish.* Heat under burner until white (may need to stir with stirring rod. Mass dried CuSO4 and evaporating dish.* Remember! Don’t leave your lab group. Be careful with the open flame. Heat with watch glass to prevent splattering.
Explain how the class data supports the Law of Definite Proportions Calculations Calculate FW of CuSO4 and H2O. Calculate the weight of hydrated CuSO4 and dehydrated CuSO4. Calculate % weight reduction in hydrated CuSO4 after heating. Record the % on the class data sheet. find the coefficient for the # of H2O molecules in each hydrated CuSO4. Questions Explain how the class data supports the Law of Definite Proportions What is the formula for hydrated CuSO4 (w/ coefficients)? Use the equation above to