La ilaha illa Allah Muhammadur Rasulallah THE TRUTH ABOUT ISLAM La ilaha illa Allah Muhammadur Rasulallah
AGENDA I. What is Islam? II. Who are Muslims? Truth About Islam AGENDA III. History of Islam in Philippines IV. Truth About Islam
What is Islam? Islam -Arabic word “Submission” Derives from a word meaning “Peace” Complete submission to the will of God Peace Loving Religion
Who are Muslims? Muslim -Arabic word which literally means “Someone who submits to the will of God” ADAPTED BELIEFS
Islam History in Philippines
Islam History in Philippines Year 1380 Islam was first established by an Arab named Sharif Makhdum Established the first masjid in Tawi Tawi Year 1390 Rajah Baginda arrived to Phils. And continued the mission of Sharif Year 1450 Abu Bakr arrived Jolo and first established the Sultanate of Sulu Year 1475 Sharif Kabungsuwan went to Mindanao to spread Islam. They arrived in Maguindanao .
Islam History in Philippines March 16, 1521
The Truth about Islam Islam is not a new religion, but the same truth that God revealed through all His prophets to every people. Islam is both a religion and a complete way of life Muslims follow a religion of peace, mercy, and forgiveness The message of Islam is meant for the entire world and anyone who accepts this message becomes a Muslim It is the true and first religion of Filipinos
It’s not yet late my Kabayans! The Truth about Islam It’s not yet late my Kabayans! It’s for you to EMBRACE! Islam is the WAY The TRUTH and WAY OF LIFE