Biological Therapy in Psoriasis: Recognizing the Value


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Presentation transcript:

Biological Therapy in Psoriasis: Recognizing the Value

Program Objectives

Effects of Stigmatization

Psoriasis Has a Significant Impact on Major Life-Changing Decisions

Five Key Components to CLCI


Coping Strategies Mediate the Effects of Psoriasis

Current Treatment Use With Moderate to Severe Psoriasis

Psoriasis and Sexual Behavior

Psoriasis and QoL

Challenges With Assessing the Impact of Psoriasis on QoL


Characterizing Psoriasis From the Patient’s Perspective


PSI Total Score


Relief From Itching, Scaling and Pain With Biologics as Measured by the PSD

Itch and Psoriasis Treatment

PROs: Summary

Recommendations for Evaluating QoL in Practice

PASI-90 Is Associated With Improved DLQI Outcome

ERASURE/FIXTURE: Psoriasis Skin Clearance is Associated With Patient-Reported Impact

Higher PASI Responses Lead to Greater Improvements in QoL

PASI-90 Is Associated With Improved DLQI Outcome

Absolute PASI Values (Cutoffs: 5, 3, or 2) Might Provide a Better Benchmark

Higher PASI Responses Lead to Greater Improvements in Quality of Life

Results on PASI for Secukinumab 300 mg



Abbreviations (cont)

Abbreviations (cont)