Biological Therapy in Psoriasis: Recognizing the Value
Program Objectives
Effects of Stigmatization
Psoriasis Has a Significant Impact on Major Life-Changing Decisions
Five Key Components to CLCI
Coping Strategies Mediate the Effects of Psoriasis
Current Treatment Use With Moderate to Severe Psoriasis
Psoriasis and Sexual Behavior
Psoriasis and QoL
Challenges With Assessing the Impact of Psoriasis on QoL
Characterizing Psoriasis From the Patient’s Perspective
PSI Total Score
Relief From Itching, Scaling and Pain With Biologics as Measured by the PSD
Itch and Psoriasis Treatment
PROs: Summary
Recommendations for Evaluating QoL in Practice
PASI-90 Is Associated With Improved DLQI Outcome
ERASURE/FIXTURE: Psoriasis Skin Clearance is Associated With Patient-Reported Impact
Higher PASI Responses Lead to Greater Improvements in QoL
PASI-90 Is Associated With Improved DLQI Outcome
Absolute PASI Values (Cutoffs: 5, 3, or 2) Might Provide a Better Benchmark
Higher PASI Responses Lead to Greater Improvements in Quality of Life
Results on PASI for Secukinumab 300 mg
Abbreviations (cont)
Abbreviations (cont)