Effective Presentations 11/21/2018 Effective Presentations Sandra L. Cruz-Pol, Ph.D. Professor Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering Universidad de Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, PR 2007
I give No Handouts http://www.ece.uprm.edu/~pol/outreach.html
Effective Presentations 11/21/2018 Effective Presentations Talk Contents Preparation Your Persona Time Slides Power Point® Idea: do an outline.
Effective Presentations 11/21/2018 Effective Presentations Tallk Contents Preparation Your Persona Time Slides Power Point® Idea: do an outline.
Talk: Contents Should include only the most relevant info 11/21/2018 Talk: Contents Should include only the most relevant info Practice & make sure you make it Relevant Attractive &Visibility Quality Great Finale Introduction Frequently, presenters face the challenge of delivering material of a technical nature to an audience unfamiliar with the topic or vocabulary. The material may be complex or heavy with detail. You can meet this challenge by utilizing the following guidelines. Organize Your Presentation Follow a logical progression. Divide your presentation into clear segments. Maintain focus throughout. Narrow the amount of material covered. Have a logical conclusion. Maximize Your Effectiveness Show concern for your audience. Maintain the relevancy of data and information at all times. The visuals should support and supplement your presentation. They should not dominate.
Talk: Preparation Audience Type Information Type Outline & Data 11/21/2018 Talk: Preparation Audience Type Information Type Outline & Data ( Practice ! ) n
Graduate committee order 11/21/2018 The Talk Be punctual Handouts? (2-6 /page) Pure B/W Nervous ?(focus on informing) Consider using a non-laser pointer Enthusiasm Great beginning & Happy ending forward presentation backward presentation Graduate committee order
Your Persona Entertain: DON’T Read Don’t speak in Singular. 11/21/2018 Your Persona Entertain: Visual Contact Vary tone of voice Move DON’T Read Don’t speak in Singular.
Your Persona (cont…) Dress appropriately Relax, Jokes – 11/21/2018 Your Persona (cont…) Dress appropriately Relax, Be yourself Focus on informing Jokes – avoid unless your good at it. Involve the audience
Time Practice total time! Average: 1min/ slide Be ahead of time 11/21/2018 Time Practice total time! Average: 1min/ slide Be ahead of time Test equipment, distance, etc. Don’t say “ I’ll be brief ” !
Effective Presentations 11/21/2018 Effective Presentations Talk Slides Power Point® Go back to outline. Relate items
Slides Options: print* or PC Language 11/21/2018 Slides Options: print* or PC Number them* Language Use Speller! (but not enough) Don’t overload -maximum 7 bullets
Slide Tables Program Codes Circuits Histograms Graphs Block Diagrams 11/21/2018 Slide Tables Program Codes Circuits Histograms Graphs Block Diagrams
11/21/2018 Example 1
Example 1 …(much better) 11/21/2018 Example 1 …(much better)
Example 2 First the program reads the data 11/21/2018 Example 2 First the program reads the data Then computes using the model Compares with measured data modifying the model variables using MonteCarlo method Keeps iterating until threshold is met Estimates parameters x, z
Example 2 …(much better) 11/21/2018 Example 2 …(much better) Read Data Compute w/model No Montecarlo error<0.1 Yes x,z
Example: Size of graphics Disdrometer-NCDC rain data comparison [SJ, Apr 05] 11/21/2018 Example: Size of graphics Why waste all this space? Rain rate [mm/hr] Hour [hr]
Format use Landscape Format! Background Color Font Color 11/21/2018 Format use Landscape Format! Background Color Light F slides Dark F PC : Font Color Avoid yellow, avoid Font size ≥24– “seen on floor” red green
Format (cont…) Avoid too many colors Avoid too many styles (fonts) 11/21/2018 Format (cont…) Avoid too many colors Avoid too many styles (fonts) Avoid too many transitions dizzy
Effectives Presentations 11/21/2018 Effectives Presentations Talk Slides Power Point®
MS Power Point® Use AutoContent Wizard Change all : Add Numbers: 11/21/2018 MS Power Point® Use AutoContent Wizard (file>new) Change all : View > Slide Master Add Numbers: View> Header and footer Cambiar Background de una Cambiar Background de todas transiciones Videos Handouts ( imprimir en B/W puro)
Figures Import figures from any application Download logos 11/21/2018 Figures Import figures from any application (Copy/Paste) or “Print Screen”/Paste (copies to Clipboard) Download logos (Right click on them, Save as) Figures will look darker on Show & Prints Right click figure> Format Picture> and increase Brightness to 60%. Cambiar Background de una Cambiar Background de todas transiciones Videos Handouts ( imprimir en B/W puro) Give proper CREDIT!
11/21/2018 How? Cut each Picture, then Paste Special in JPG or GIF Format. Ahorra Mbytes! Ahorra materiales y energía- Puedes acomodar de 4 a 20 veces más material en un USB drive!!! OR> Right-click on any figure, press Format Figure, Compress , All, or change with Paste Special to Jpeg or Gif Format. Save a lot of space on your USB memory sticks! Up to 20x!!
Figures from clipboard 11/21/2018 Figures from clipboard Print Scrn key
Format Pictures Default 50% brightness -looks dark on screen 11/21/2018 Format Pictures Default 50% brightness -looks dark on screen 60% brightness
Figures Right one is set at 60% brightness -better. 11/21/2018 Figures Both pictures are from NASA website Right one is set at 60% brightness -better.
MS Power Point® Use Speller 11/21/2018 MS Power Point® Use Speller But don’t trust it too much. Words like roll for role are not detected. Chronometer (Slide Show>Rehearse Timings) Will tell you average time in each slide. If more than 2 mins., add more slides!
MS Power Point® Using fill to create 3D sphere Make circle 11/21/2018 MS Power Point® Using fill to create 3D sphere Make circle Fill Effects>Two Tones > from center No line color
Video & Sound CD-Rom Internet Music CD 11/21/2018 Video & Sound CD-Rom Internet Music CD Make sure your video is in PC when giving the presentation, so the source file is found, or a copy of the file. Use Package for CD option Save as Movie
Avoid tedious equations, 11/21/2018 Power Point® (Format >Background or > slide design (Format >Colors and Lines) (Slide Show> S. transitions) Handouts (use Pure B/W!!!) Example of contrast with Fill: Avoid tedious equations, unless vital
SUMMARY Talk – Persona – Slides – Prepare, organize & practicen 11/21/2018 SUMMARY Talk – Prepare, organize & practicen Persona – Entertain, relax & professional Slides – Clear & attractive Number ~ corresponding to minutes given. Summarize main points
Good Luck! See this presentation at http://ece.uprm.edu/~pol/outreach 11/21/2018 Good Luck! Credits: Some pictures are from NASA, NOAA, and the Animation Factory See this presentation at http://ece.uprm.edu/~pol/outreach