Listening strategies 🌎 [P] Planning (set goals and figure out how to achieve them) 🌎 [P] Predicting (guess what the text will be about from clues – visuals, title, etc.) 🌎 [D] Monitoring (notice what you are and aren’t understanding; help vs. hinder) 🌎 [D] Inferencing (correctly guess what you don’t understand and identify what is implied) 🌎 [D] Clarifying and cooperating (ask questions and get support when you don’t understand) 🌎 [D] Focusing (avoid distractions and pay close attention) 🌎 [D] Managing emotions (stay positive and keep anxiety at bay) 🌎 [D] Responding and connecting (react in a personal way) 🌎 [P] Evaluating (check how well you understood; help vs. hinder) 🌎 [P] Reorganizing (be able to retell what you listened to or watched) 🌎 [P] Elaborating (relate new to known information)
Describe what PDP stands for Describe what PDP stands for. Demonstrate your understanding of this receptive skills framework by summarizing (without looking at your textbook or any notes!) what happens in each of the three stages of the lesson.
[P] Pre-listening 🌎 Establish rapport 🌎 Create interest 🌎 Activate background knowledge 🌎 Introduce key lexis 🌎 Establish a purpose for listening
Brainstorm, mind-map, or quick write about topic Discuss warm-up questions Create anticipation guides (react to a list of statements – agree/disagree) Use visuals (pictures, maps, diagrams, graphs, video, etc.) and/or realia Make predictions Do a lexis/vocabulary exercise or game Start filling out a graphic organizer (e.g. K-W-L > Know and Want) Design a quiz (about content – see what students know > culture) Rate, rank, list, order, categorize (sort into groups), or sequence Set a purpose (ask questions about the text)
[D] During-listening 🌎 Give students multiple (3-4) opportunities to listen to the text 🌎 Have students do a different task each time they listen to the text 🌎 First check general understanding (gist/main idea) 🌎 Then check specific understanding (key details) 🌎 End by checking comprehensive understanding and/or important lexis 🌎 Sequence: general to specific, easy to difficult, concrete to abstract 🌎 Sole focus of this stage should be on comprehension 🌎 Provide necessary scaffolding for students to fully understand the text 🌎 Make sure that your materials engage students and sustain their interest
Identify main idea and key details (in this order – first) Infer and draw conclusions (listen between the lines – e.g. a speaker’s attitude) Do a lexis task Summarize (sections and/or in full) Fill out or continue to fill out a graphic organizer (e.g. K-W-L > Want) Take notes or complete an outline (key information in the text) Do a cloze exercise (i.e. fill in the blanks) Draw or illustrate (to demonstrate understanding in a visual way) Mime or do actions (to demonstrate understanding in a physical way) Do a scramble (put parts of the text in order/sequence) Detect mistakes (i.e. false text) Make connections (to other texts, your life, TV shows, songs, etc.)
Post (P) 🌎 Have students prove their understanding of the text (e. g Post (P) 🌎 Have students prove their understanding of the text (e.g. discussion) 🌎 Do tasks that help reinforce what was learned in the lesson (e.g. lexis review) 🌎 Provide opportunities for students to interact with each other, personalize content, and connect the topic/theme to their lives 🌎 Springboard to other language skills (e.g. writing) 🌎 Give students a chance to move beyond the text and do creative, fun extension activities (e.g. design a poster)
Critically discuss content with others (share ideas, express opinions) Write about the topic (e.g. paragraph or response journal) Review vocabulary and expressions Do a grammar exercise Complete a graphic organizer (e.g. K-W-L > Learned) Perform a role-play Debate Conduct a survey Make a (brief) presentation Conduct some simple research (via cell phones and/or computer) Do creative, fun extension activities (e.g. design a poster)
Other important points Make sure that the Other important points Make sure that the . . . 🌎 Target language and level is appropriate and relevant to the students 🌎 Aim includes measurable activities to assess students’ success 🌎 Materials appeal to different learning styles and multiple intelligences 🌎 Instructions for each task are explicit (to include asking CCQs) 🌎 Teacher-talking time is minimized and student-talking time is maximized
Model lesson: Carl Sagan’s “Pale Blue Dot” 1 [P] Prediction 2 [P] Warm-up questions 3 [P] Lexis 4 [D] Main idea 5 [D] Details 6 [D] Inference 7 [D] Summary 8 [P] Writing 9 [P] Poster