Student Education and Training Plan (SET Plan) What’s a SET plan? A SET plan is a confidential document that a student develops, in consultation with their parents/carers and their school, to map their learning and career pathways. What’s the purpose of a SET plan? The purpose of a SET plan is to help students: set and achieve their learning goals in Years 11 and 12 include flexible and coordinated pathway options in their course of senior study think about their education, training and career options after Year 12 and make decisions about their learning pathways structure their learning around their abilities, interests and ambitions communicate with their parents, teachers and career guidance officers about their learning pathways and post-school plans.
Key Objectives of SET Planning 100% QCE attainment 100% of students leave MSSC with a competitive Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank or a Certificate II or higher qualification All students choosing a pathway that is appropriate for their desired career and realistic in terms of their current achievement/ ability.
Post compulsory schooling Participate in program of instruction College rules and procedures Drafts Submission of work engagement Academic results, effort and behaviour Attendance Other pathways? Certificates, employment Stage 1 cancellation of enrolment
Student monitoring and support Non-submission process Academic Improvement at Murrumba (AIM) Academic coaching
Subject Selection
English Year 11/12 General Year 11/12 Applied General English Literature Essential English Peter Morris –
Mathematics Year 11/12 General Year 11/12 Applied General Mathematics Mathematical Methods Specialist Mathematics Essential Mathematics Anmarie Offord-Kable –
Languages and Humanities Year 11/12 General Year 11/12 Applied Spanish Ancient History Modern History Geography Social and Community Studies *Tourism Jodie Hill –
Science Year 11/12 General Year 11/12 Applied Biology Chemistry Physics Psychology* Science in Practice Kerrie Smedley –
Applied Technologies Year 11/12 General Year 11/12 Applied VET Design Digital Solutions Engineering Fashion* Industrial Graphics Skills* Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care* Certificate III in Aviation and Remote Pilots License* Andrew Rogers –
HPE Year 11/12 General Year 11/12 Applied VET Physical Education Health Education *Sport & Recreation Certificate II and III in Sport & Rec Certificate III in Fitness Natasha Galbraith–
Creative Industries Year 11/12 General Year 11/12 Applied Visual Art Dance Drama Music Film, Television and New Media Arts in Practice* Megan Lang –
Business Year 11/12 General Year 11/12 Applied Business Management Legal Studies *Certificate III in Business *Diploma of Business Craig Boardman –
Service Learning VET Certificate III in Active Volunteering Dane Jeffries –
Subject Fees The College’s fee matrix will be published before SET planning to assist with subject selection. Certificate courses – fee for service passed directly on from the Registered Training Organisation. Students cannot be enrolled in these courses until the fee for the course has been paid Vet in school funding is available for some certificate II courses. This is limited
Pathway Choices I want to go straight to university I want to continue in further study, gain employment, an apprenticeship or a traineeship *6 General Subjects or **5 General Subjects and 1 applied or certificate course Leave school with my QCE Must choose an English and Mathematics subjects No TAFE or apprenticeships/traineeships *This is the pathway to take if you want to gain entry into a competitive course **Applied and Certificate courses will scale lower than General subjects. Must meet prerequisites to study subject Choose 6 subjects from the following options: *General, Applied and certificate courses Apply to undertake a traineeships or apprenticeships Must choose and English and Mathematics subject
Tertiary Pathway A student who: Wants to go directly to university and can articulate what they want to study; Encouraged to Choose 6 x General subjects Will sit external examinations Will obtain an ATAR Will obtain their Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE).
External Examinations All General subjects will have external examinations that will occur in term 4 of year 12 For Mathematics and Science subjects, these exams will contribute 50% of the final grade. For all other subjects, these exams will contribute to 25% of the final result
Vocational Pathway A student who: Wants to do further study at university or TAFE (or another Registered Training Organisation) or go directly into the workforce Chooses 6 x subjects (mixture of General, Applied and Certificate Qualifications) Can complete TAFE, SkillsTech or a SAT Is wanting to obtain employability skills Will obtain their Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE).
The New QCE English Current QCE system: Semester 1 Semester 2 QCE points SA LA 4 New QCE system: Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 QCE points SA LA 3
Prerequisites Students must meet subject prerequisites, otherwise they are not eligible to choose them. Why: Students must have the required skills and understanding to study academically rigorous subjects. Subject changes can not be made. Prerequisites letters: Students have been given a list of the subjects in which they meet the prerequisites for at this point in time.
Subject Changes OP STUDENTS (2018 COHORT) Semester 1, 2017: 116 students Now: 90 students In the new Senior Secondary, students must successfully complete units 1 and 2 before studying units 3 and 4. Therefore, subject selections must align with students’ ability and preferred pathways as subject selections can not occur
Subject Selections Round 1: Subject survey Lines created and subjects determined After round 1, subject lines will be created. We will meet with students who have not followed prerequisites. Round 2: Students re-select based on eligibility and lines. We will again meet with students who have not followed prerequisites Round 3: SET Planning
Where to from here? Speak with your child about their SET Plan Review current results and subject eligibility Talk with subject-specific Leaders of Learning and teachers View College website - Curriculum handbook (when published) Choose appropriate pathway – QCE attainment
SET Planning Interviews Your child will be working on their SET Plan and selecting their subjects during their Access lessons (Wednesday P2) – they can also do this from home You will receive an email before the school holidays with information on how to book your SET Plan Interview No classes will run on Tuesday August 14, students need only attend their interview time.
SET Planning Interviews All year 10 students must attend a SET plan interview. Normal classes will not run for year 10 students on this day. A 30 minute session between parents, your child and a trained Set Planner. In this meeting, you will discuss your child’s preferred pathway and subsequent subject choices.
SET Planning Interviews The Set Planner will have access to your child’s prerequisites and Set Plan completed on Oneschool. Students wanting to pursue university entry will need to meet subject prerequisites for their chosen course. This information will be provided to students before subject surveys and will be available during the Set Plan interviews The Set Planner will provide regarding subject selections. The set planner will refer you to the Senior School Leader of Learning or Deputy Principal if there are any concerns.
Set Planning Interviews Sessions will run from 7:30am to 7:00pm in Iservices. Parents will book the session via an online booking services. Details will be sent to parents via email early next term.
BYOD If student is choosing a VET course – are you aware that a lot of course content is online? Does your child participate in the BYOD Program? We would highly recommend they participate.
Further information Dane Jeffries Senior Secondary Leader of Learning Kiah Lanham Senior Secondary Deputy Principal Ph: 3490 3222