RNAi technology for insects NOVA MSc Course on Future trends in sustainable plant protection: RNAi technology for insects 16-20 May 2016, Aarhus University, Flakkebjerg Campus, Slagelse, Denmark • Credits: 5 ECTS Course objectives To stimulate Nordic MSc students to understand, appreciate, and study the significance of risk assessment of GM crops with an emphasis of the new evolving technology of RNAi, communication between insects and plants, and ecological consequences, including application possibilities in pest control. The commercial structure of the firms providing the new technology and its possible impact at the farm level will be analysed. • Teachers: Prof. Gabor Lövei, Dr. Eva Vincze, Dr. Giuseppe Dionisio, Århus Ass. Prof. Velemir Ninkovic, SLU Dr. Ingeborg Menzler-Hokkanen, Prof. Heikki Hokkanen, Helsinki, Dr. William Walker, SLU • Enrolment and enquiries: From the course organiser, G. Lovei, gabor.lovei@agro.au.dk Apply to: NOVA-application@au.dk Application deadline: March 17, 2016 For information on NORDPLUS travel grant, contact local coordinator.