Dos and Don’ts for Effective E-Learning Practices Yi-Lung Kuo Associate Professor Jenny Yang Instructor DST - Applied Psychology 12/13/2017 UIC Experiential learning
About me Joined UIC in 2012. Teaching: 3 courses/per semester (taught 9 courses since 2012) & advise about 10 independent studies per year. Research and services commitments. Had one-semester experience in Blackboard. ZERO experience in Moodle for college teaching.
Regular Teaching Assignments Fall Course Type No. of Stu. The Science of Well Being GE 50-55 Applied Ethics in Science and Technology 40-45 Theories of Learning MR 40-50 Spring Course Type No. of Stu. The Science of Well Being GE 50-55 Psychological Assessment and Testing MR 40-45 Educational Psychology ME 15-25 GE: General Education; MR: Major Required; ME: Major Elective
Blended Learning “The integrity of the traditional academy while simultaneously encouraging the adoption of platforms such as online learning, mobile technologies and resources that exist in the cloud” (Moskal, Dziuban, &Hartman, 2013)
What research says about blended learning… (a meta-analysis study, Means et al., 2009) Blended instruction has been more effective, compared to traditional face-to-face instruction, providing a rationale for the effort required to design and implement blended approaches. In many of studies showing an advantage for online learning, the online and classroom conditions differed in terms of time spent (student), curriculum, and pedagogy.
E-Learning Practices: Thanks, but no thanks
E-Learning Practices: Thanks, but no thanks In addition to common concerns about intellectual property, workload, and tenure, many faculties also cite pedagogical concerns with online instructional skills set (Green, Alejandro, & Brown, 2009). Blending often increases workload for both instructors and learners and results in what has been called the course-and-a-half phenomenon (McGee & Reis, 2012).
Dos, Don’ts, and examples for Effective E-Learning Practices
Do adopt e-learning practices as tools to improve overall teaching effectiveness. Don’t hesitate to attend e-learning workshops to know the potential benefits of e-learning practices in your class.
Example: Take Attendance How much time did you spend on taking attendance for a large class (say 50 or more) in the face-to-face instruction?
Adopting E-Learning Practices, you can… 1. Take attendance more effectively. 2. Assess students’ understanding 3. Have more interactions with students. 4. Show peer learning behavior.
Do have pedagogical content knowledge (the integration of teachers' pedagogical knowledge and their content knowledge) while adopting e-learning practices. Don’t mess up your class or life by improper use of technology. One size doesn’t fit all.
Pedagogical knowledge 1. Start with Learning Goals 2. Create Ways for Students to Learn Before Class 3. Create Ways for Students to Learn In Class 4. Create Ways for Students to Learn After Class 5. Use Multiple Forms of Communication 6. Encourage Collaboration 7. Utilize Online Resources 8. Utilize Both Low and High Stakes Grading 9. Seek Assistance from Professionals 10. Stay Organized Content Knowledge
Example: Stay Organized
Ex: Enhance Interactive Learning Activities Provide immediate feedback regarding students’ concerns/expectations. Encourage class discussion, especially for introverts, shy or less confident students.
Ex: Conduct On-going Assessments
Ex: Foster Student Discussion After Class Some students prefer to have further discussion after class with their learning and communication styles. More, they are motivated to link what they learned in class to their own society.
Ex: Observational Learning PANOPTO Feedback (strengths & weaknesses) Role Model Grading Purpose
Do CREATE your own resource bank step by step and SHARE with your colleagues. Don’t work alone.
Ex: My E-Learning First Aid E-Tools: UIC Teaching & Learning Workshop Series: QR Code Generator: Download Youtube: Moodle: Google: Solve almost e-Learning problems here. Call: UIC IT Experts at 8315 E-Contents:
Do develop small learning goals for e-learning practices each semester. Don’t forget “practice makes perfect”!
My goal: Conduct peer ratings on students’ contribution for their group projects. Jenny’s goal: Reduce the time of surveying students’ available time-slot for tutorials.
Jenny’s sharing
TA’s Ability Level & Willingness Level Unable Able Willingness Level Unwilling Directing Supporting Willing Coaching Delegating A B C D Situational leadership theory, developed by Hersey & Blanchard, 1988
Some reflections Course convener should take the leading role, with clear and organized mind. Utilize the e-platform to implement the PQ4R teaching. Preview Question Read, Reflect, Recite and Review Hand by hand teaching is necessary in the beginning. Matching is more important than technologies
Take-Home Messages: Effective E-Learning Practices Dos Don’ts 1. Do adopt e-learning practices as tools to improve overall teaching effectiveness. 1. Don’t hesitate to attend e-learning workshops to know the potential benefits of e-learning practices in your class. 2. Do have pedagogical content knowledge while adopting e-learning practices. 2. Don’t mess up your class or life by improper use of technology. One size doesn’t fit all. 3. Do CREATE your own resource bank step by step and SHARE with your colleagues. 3. Don’t work alone. 4. Do develop small learning goals for e-learning practices each semester. 4. Don’t forget “practice makes perfect”!
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