Mrs. Lombardo’s 7th Grade Science Class Classroom Communication WELCOME ! Mrs. Lombardo’s 7th Grade Science Class Beach Middle School Open House School Supply List Composition notebook (black & white) Folder Pencils with erasers Earbuds/headphones for school use only –they stay here. Box of tissue for sharing Clorox wipes for classroom CONTACT INFO: Marie Lombardo 734.433.2202 x2302 Classroom Communication Website: Twitter: Follow our class: @302BMS OVER
Investigating and Questioning our World through Science and Technology Units address every day phenomena, via a “Driving Question”. Students work as scientists in those fields to study and understand the phenomena. Phenomena-based units include: How Can I Make New Stuff from Old Stuff? (Chemistry) Why Do Some Things Stop While Others Keep Going? (Physics) What Makes the Weather Change? (Earth Science) What is Going on Inside Me? (Life Science) What to Expect: Pre/Post unit testing Learning Set Assessments for grades (1 retake) 2-3 LSAs/unit Challenging in-class work and projects Very little homework TO ENJOY SCIENCE! IQWST is: Project-based Student centered Team learning-based Evidence producing based Deep learning focused ENGAGINGLY FUN! IQWST is NOT: Textbook-based Memorizing facts for basic recall Teacher centered via lecture and worksheets Homework heavy Boring!