Intro to Career Studies Welcome Back! Be sure to find your seat from yesterday. Today’s song is brought to us by: Taylor Swift
How to be Successful My personal measure of success in a school course has to do with: Did I try my hardest? Did I learn new things? Am I working hard to earn the grade I want? Is your measure of success in a course similar, or different than mine?
How to Be Successful Aids are in place to help you get the most out of this course, and ensure you stay on track! Regular check-ins with me Regular e-mails/phone calls to you and your parents/guardians Reminders of key upcoming dates What are some things you can do to be successful in this course?
How to be Successful A key part of achieving success in a course (or in life!) is to be organized in a way that makes sense to you.
Organization Being prepared with materials Binder Pen/Pencil + backup Paper USB Key Agenda, Calendar, Cell Phone or notebook What other things are useful to have? Binder Dividers Everything put away Regular checks
Organization Agenda or Calendar Use it! Important Dates to add in for September: Sept 13 - Picture Day Sept 18-21- Camp Viking Sept 27 - Terry Fox Run Sept 28 – PA Day
What Do We Expect? Why are we here…? To Learn! Just a couple classroom rules and expectations: Treat others, yourself and the room with respect Be kind, be on time, clean up after yourself, be prepared for class Sadly, no food or drinks without lids in the lab iPods etc. fine when working independently Cell phones OK as long as being used appropriately for class Checking your calendar, writing a reminder to yourself Do not let me catch you texting, on facebook or anything else like that… that is not an appropriate use.
What Do We Expect? I will be clear with my expectations for both class behaviour and assignments I will be kind and fair I will always do my best to help you with anything you need I will be prompt when returning assignments
Career Awareness In groups of 3, brainstorm all of the careers that you have encountered today As you’re brainstorming think about what a career is vs. a job Some hints to get you started….Did you speak to your parents/guardians? Did you ride the bus? Did you go to the cafeteria?
Brainstorm a list or mind map of ideas with a person or two near you. What Is a Career? Brainstorm a list or mind map of ideas with a person or two near you.
Have one person in your group share your ideas in point form notes on the white board
Job vs. Career How does a job compare to a career? Having examined a career what do you think the difference is?
Your career is the sum total of your life experiences. “Think of your career as a journey that includes all the events in your life.” – William Bridges, American career expert
Copy this chart and fill out at least 3 things for each column Copy this chart and fill out at least 3 things for each column. Add more if you would like! Things I Like to Do Things I do Well Things That Are Important to Me
Chart Analysis Based on your chart what are 3 careers you could have in the future that suit you?
Career Research What could you do and where could you go to find out more about a career that interests you?
One Week Job Sean Aiken started the “One Week Job Project” to find out what career he truly wanted Sean wanted to work 52 jobs in 52 weeks Any money earned was donated to ONE/Make Poverty History campaign
One Week Job Your Task: To read over the questions that you need to complete Watch the movie and make point form notes as necessary Once the movie is completed you need to have the sheet completed in complete sentences Participate in the discussion following the movie