The Value of Student Leadership: Reading To Lead, Y2Y, and More
The Value of Student Leadership Introduction and Housekeeping Today’s call is operator-assisted. Every caller is currently in “Listen-Only Mode.” During Q&A, press “*1” to connect with the operator. The operator will tell you when you can speak. When you speak, Please give your name and center. No roll call: please enter caller info in comment box. Dan Schlacter MP&F Public Relations Nashville, Tenn.
The Value of Student Leadership National Director Remarks Your volunteer service generates Job Corps pride. Reading To Lead and Y2Y share a leadership focus. Leadership and mentoring will drive your career.
Look for Opportunities To Lead National Director Remarks Take time to look for leadership opportunities. “How can I improve myself?” “How can I improve those around me?” Develop a habit of improvement. Leadership roles do not always come with a title.
The Value of Student Leadership Job Corps prepares you for a career by focusing on three aspects of your life: Academics Career Technical Training Career Culture
What Is Career Culture? Academics and CTT are prescribed for you. Once you get a job, how do you keep it? And advance? There is seldom a “How to get a promotion” checklist. Your “Career Culture” will help your career grow. Everyone’s Career Culture–and career–is different. Job Corps offers different leadership opportunities.
Reading To Lead, Y2Y, and More Job Corps leadership opportunities include: Reading To Lead Y2Y SGA and more
Reading To Lead Leadership Through Literacy Nationwide literacy initiative Read Across America Day 500+ recent student leaders Opportunities to mentor Literacy shapes leadership
Y2Y A Culture of Leadership Through Service 5,000+ leading through service! New connections = opportunity WBL, employment, and more
Introducing: Y2Y Badge Program Support for the many “normal days” on center. Leadership opportunities for daily life. Select a badge, apply, and be recognized! Many of you have already earned badges …
The Value of Student Leadership SGA and More … Reading To Lead and Y2Y are not your only options. SGA, dorm officers, hobbies, athletics, and more. Different programs provide different information. Different does not mean better or worse. Try a couple out to find out what you like.
Career Culture: Discussion What characteristics do you look for in a leader? What kind of leader do you want to be? What leadership opportunities are available at your center? Do you have the staff support necessary to take advantage of those opportunities? Are there any resources–Reading To Lead, Y2Y, or otherwise–that you need to help develop your Career Culture?
Career Culture: Conclusion Thank you! Remember: Careers begin at Job Corps. It’s up to you to keep yours growing.