Supplement A: Tests of Innovation
Tests of High-Performance Innovation Companies Ability to attract and retain creative talent Established effective methods for identifying different types and sources of innovation Present energized workforce that practices innovation in their approach to everyday problem solving Formal and informal methods in place to sponsor, manage, and measure sources and levels of innovation Generates at least 25-30% of its growth and sales from product introduced within the last 30-36 months Leadership constantly extols and challenges the organization to be innovative Use of formal methods for measuring innovation, its potential impact on, and actual contribution to, overall market and financial performance Creation and nourishment of external collaborations to stimulate and cultivate innovation Recognizing creativity as essential for innovation and rewarding creative employees Established methods and means of to commercialize innovation and translate it into growth, revenues, and a distinct competitive advantage Appropriate technologies and methods in place to facilitate innovation and innovative thought processes Extensive knowledge sharing and development