Chapter 31 Review
Big Picture: What makes an empire hard to rule? Size, ethnic diversity, encroaching foreign powers, industrial/military backwardness Think back to ancient history. Despite being large and powerful, the Roman empire eventually fell apart. Why?
Ottoman Decline Breakup of Jannsisary corps Increasing autonomy of regional governments How are these two factors related? Weaker army – harder to control outlying areas of the empire – easier for regional leaders to assert autonomy
Ottoman Decline What are capitulations? Agreements that let Europeans exercise own laws – harmful for trade – embarrassing for empire
Ottoman Decline Egypt – Who invaded? What happened next? Napoleon – failed – left Egypt in turmoil -
Ottoman DEcline Mahmud II implemented Western reforms – name some What was the Tanzimat? Army reform, secondary education, infrastructure. Tanzimat (1839-1876) - more reforms to army, westernized legal codes
Ottoman DeclinE Young Turks – Who were they? Dissident organization – believed in Turkish hegemony – took power in a coup – led to further unrest
Trouble in Russia Crimean War – what happened? Russia sought to expand into Ottoman Territory – scared Europe because it might upset balance of power (didn’t want Ottoman Empire to dissolve) – Russia was defeated but much stronger militaries from the West.
Trouble in Russia Emancipation of the serfs 1861 – Tsar Alexander II – undertaken to boost econ. – didn’t really improve the situation of many serfs (note how backwards Russia was - European countries had abolished serfdom hundreds of years earlier)
Trouble in Russia Who was Sergei Witte? What did he do? Why is this important? Program of industrialiazation increased number of urban workers labor discontent …#foreshadowing
Trouble in Russia Revolution of 1905 Discontented workers gathered at Winter Palace demanding democratic reforms – Bloody Sunday – revolution failed but Nicholas granted the Duma
Trouble in China The Opium War British were making a ton of money from the Opium trade in China. China tried to outlaw trade – crushed by Britain
Trouble in China Unequal treaties – what were they? Name the most important one. Gave Europeans trade access, ensured extraterritoriality – Treaty of Nanjing – China gave Hong Kong to the British
Trouble in China Taiping Rebellion 1850 -1864 – revolt agitating for liberal, democratic reforms – eventually defeated by Qing dynasty, killed 20-30 million people (!)
Trouble in China Spheres of Influence European Nations – divided up China into areas of control – China unable to resist
Trouble in China Boxer Rebellion Boxers – tried to kick foreigners out of China – failed. weakened Empire
Japan Opening of foreign trade Admiral Perry – forced Tokugawa shogunate to allow foreign trade
Japan Meiji Reforms Meiji emperor – took power after loss of faith in Tokugawa rule – changed social order (no more samurai) – constitution, econ reforms, infrastructure