Government: New Deal Programs President Roosevelt and Texas political leaders in Washington passed a variety of laws called the New Deal to help the fight the Depression. These programs employed over 100,000 Texans. They built and repaired bridges, dams, and roads; planted trees to prevent soil erosion; and built roadside parks and government buildings—all to give the unemployed work and to stimulate the economy.
Young Men of the CCC The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) kept unemployed young men busy with work projects, classes and recreation. During the Great Depression, many boys left their homes to lessen the burden on their families.
"Work Pays America! Prosperity" by Vera Bock Photo courtesy of the Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, WPA Poster Collection, POS-WPA-NY.B635, no. 12 Description: Programs like the Works Progress Administration (WPA) provided a variety of paid opportunities for laborers and professionals alike. Architects designed post offices and schools, artists painted murals in public buildings, and labors built bridges and roads.
Social Security Act - SSA
National Youth Administration - NYA