Tribes *Finalize your tribe name, *Make a name card for your tribe, Bell Ringer: *Glue in your study guide and standards. *Finalize your tribe name, *Make a name card for your tribe, *Add your individual names to the back of the table sign. *Discuss the design of your totem pole!
Welcome to Survivor Island theme song
Reward Challenges Challenges will relate to a wide range of topics. Tribes will earn rewards for their efforts, such as locker passes, candy, soda, treasure chest items, and more! The tribe with the highest score will earn the reward and a bonus of 10 points for their team’s score. Reward points cannot be lost at the next Tribal Council.
Immunity Challenges Immunity challenges will relate to water or the ocean. The theme of each challenge will be revealed in each Survivor Tree Mail announcement. Tribes will earn points based on the their answers to the Immunity Challenge questions. Each one will be different. The tribe with the highest score earns immunity and will wear an immunity necklace until the next immunity challenge. Tribes can lose points for bad behavior or failure to return immunity necklaces! The tribe with the highest score will earn immunity, which means they cannot lose those points at the next Tribal Council.
Tribal Council The winner of an immunity challenge will be announced at the start of the next class and tribal council will be held. All tribes will vote for one tribe to lose 20 of the points that were earned on the last immunity challenge. Each tribe will have only one vote during each tribal council. Tribal Council Music
Green Class: Week 1 Week2 Week3 Raging Rapids 111 Hydrocats 106 Flaming Spaz Monkeys 109.5 Rebel Sharks 86 Tiki Torches 100 Rebel Tikis 95 Scrambled Side Up! 109 Purple Class: Crab club 114 Tiki Toucan Tribe 94 Black Panthers 115 Martian Monkeys 114 The Squad 105 Tiki Pineapples 114 Hydro Cyclones 122
Blue Class: Week 1 Week2 Week3 Hidden Rainbows 105 Palm Tree Squad 108 Surfing Monkeys 130 Honolulu Huskies 115 Golden Mangos 119 TikiTaco Tigers 115 Giant Monkeys of Jungle 125 Purple Class: Crab club 114 Tiki Toucan Tribe 94 Black Panthers 115 Martian Monkeys 114 The Squad 105 Tiki Pineapples 114 Hydro Cyclones 122
Survivor Rules Good sportsmanship is expected at all times. The teacher’s decision is final! Play fair! Cheating and dishonest behavior will result in a loss of points or possible elimination from the game. Alliances are ok, but be careful that they don’t hurt you in the long run! Survivor Prize Package The top scoring team from each class will win a class award and be entered into a drawing for a super duper Survivor Prize Package!
Are you ready for the challenge?
IANs and date today’s notes: Mystery Bag Please take out your IANs and date today’s notes: Water Wise
So Why is Water so Important? Did you know… Roughly 70 percent of an adult’s body is made up of water. Human blood is 83% water & Human brain is 90% water Water dissolves more substances than any other liquid. The freezing point of water lowers as the amount of salt dissolved in it increases. That means… With average levels of salt, seawater freezes at -2 °C (28.4 °F).
Roughly 634 gallons of water go into the production of one hamburger Over 90% of the world’s supply of fresh water is located in Antarctica. Water is used for many things. Ex. 1000 gallons of water are required to produce 1 g of milk ! Roughly 634 gallons of water go into the production of one hamburger Water is the only substance found on earth naturally in three forms: solid, liquid and gas. At 1 drip per second, a faucet can leak 3,000 gallons per year.
Water Cards How Many Times? Place them in order from Most to Least! Washing Machine 25 Bath 20 Dishwasher 20 Shower 10 Toilet 3-5 Brushing Teeth 1 Washing Hands 1 How Many Times?
How does that compare to your household? What about around the world? Americans use an average of 100 gallons of water every day! This is enough water to fill an 8-oz. glass 1,600 times! More than half (63%) our daily water use at home comes from the bathroom and the toilet – How does that compare to your household? What about around the world?
Where does our water come from? Chattahoochee River Lake Allatoona Anywhere Else?
Where does the water go before it comes to our home?
So – Think…. Let’s Experiment! What percent of our Earth is covered with water? 75%, The global ocean covers 376 million square kilometers. Hmm… But, What percent of our water is usable? Let’s Experiment!
100 tsp.-3 tsp = 3tsp.-2tsp =
HW: take this challenge home HW: take this challenge home! 25 points for every group who turns it in completed! Brainpop Water Brainpop Water Conservation