CAC Finance Report: May 2014 Prepared by: Jacky Arminen & David McCrossan
CAC Cash Position as of April 30, 2014 Reporting Period: 28-Feb-14 to 30-Apr-14 Balance as of Feb 28, 2014 $ 30,737.51 A Fund Raising Revenue Read-a-thon $ 5,448.30 Chess Club (St John contribution) $ 4,500.00 Uncleared Cheques $ (47.50) Pizza Lunch Deposit $ 64.10 Total Revenue $ 9,964.90 B Expenses Fund Raising Expenses Milk Program $ 3,044.28 Pizza Lunch $ 1,204.80 $ 85.69 Chess & Math Association $ 2,496.00 Operating Expenses Classroom Materials $ 788.34 Class Trips $ 499.32 Academic Contests - Math (U of W) $ 294.56 Academic Affairs $ 160.00 First Holy Communion $ 312.50 Cheques & Bank Fees $ 63.00 Scientists In The School $ 870.00 Total Expenses $ 9,818.49 C Balance per Books as at 30April14 $ 30,883.92 D=(A+B-C) Balance per Bank Statement @ 30April14 LESS: cheques not cleared in bank account $ - Reconciliation to Bank Balance D ADD: Total Expected Net Revenue From Operations $ (2,258.53) E LESS: 2013/2014 FTC Operating Contributions $(31,234.83) F Balance Available for Allocation $ (2,609.44) H=(D+E+F) CAC Finance Report February 2014
Approved CAC Operating Budget 2013/2014 CAC Budget Analysis - May 2014 Approved Revised Previous Current FIP YTD-BDGT Gross Revenue Budget Total FTC Variance Operating Contributions Fun Fair $ 10,612 $10,612 $10,175 $ - $ - $ (437) GOAL OF CATHOLICISM Magazines $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ 1,090 $ (410) First Holy Communion $ 650 $ 313 $ 313 $ 338 $ (338) Christmas Market $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 4,954 $ (46) Confirmation $ 500 $ - $ 500 $ (500) Christmas Bake Sale $ - $ 1,032 $ 0 Principal's Discretionary Fund $ 3,800 $ 3,800 $ (3,800) Read-a-thon $ 6,700 $ 8,000 $ 5,448 $ 5,448 $ 20 $ (2,552) TEACHER SUPPORT Spring Fling $ 14,000 $ 1,075 $ (1,075) Classroom Materials ($200 x 31 teachers) $ 6,200 $ 1,965 $ 788 $ 2,753 $ 3,447 $ (3,447) TCDSB Parental Involvement $ 500 $ (500) COMMUNITY BUILDING Lunch Lady $ 1,200 $ 1,200 $ 700 Year End BBQ $ 1,300 $ 1,300 $ (1,300) Pizza Lunch $ 11,500 $11,500 $10,997 $ 17 $11,013 $ 487 $ (487) Halloween Dance $ 150 $ 131 $ 19 $ (19) Milk Program $ 8,000 $ 8,491 $ 491 Community Meetings $ - Chess Club $ 4,500 $ 4,500 JK Welcome $ 300 $ 300 $ (300) Total Revenue $ 59,012 $52,919 $37,440 $ 9,965 $47,405 $ 2,582 $ (5,514) CSAC & TCDSB SHARED PROGRAMS Class Trips (Buses incl. Gr 4 SwimtoSurvive) $ 5,500 $ 1,406 $ 499 $ 1,905 $ 3,595 $ (3,595) Fundraising Expenses Graduation $ 1,500 $ (1,500) $ 5,071 $ 5,071 $ 5,417 $ 346 Track & Field ENHANCING STUDENT EXP. $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,114 $ 114 Scientist in the School (23 X $184/each) $ 4,300 $ 1,517 $ 870 $ 2,387 $ 1,913 $ (1,913) $ 700 $ 140 $ 86 $ 225 $ (475) Academic Contests - Math (U of W) $ 600 $ 295 $ 295 $ 305 $ (305) $ 4,000 $ (4,000) Math Club $ 200 $ 200 $ (200) $ 10,000 $10,000 $ 4,546 $ 1,205 $ 5,750 $ 4,250 $ (4,250) Library Resources $ 1,100 $ 1,100 $ (1,100) $ 5,649 $ 3,044 $ 8,693 $ (693) $ 693 Athletic Development $ 2,780 $ 2,496 $ 2,496 $ 284 $ 2,496 Musical Instruments $ 1,000 $ (1,000) Total Expenses $ 29,271 $29,251 $16,865 $ 6,831 $23,695 $ 4,840 $ (5,576) OTHER CAC Liability $ 86 $ 86 $ (86) Net Contribution CAC Treasurer Expenses $ 250 $ 63 $ 63 $ 187 $ (187) $ 5,541 $ 5,541 $ 4,758 Tables Purchase $ 461 $ 461 $ 800 Rec. 1 Time Funding Request for 2013/14 $ 4,000 $ 3,841 Aussie X $ 2,400 $ 2,400 $ (2,400) 2013 REM. COMMITTED CONTRIBUTIONS $ 6,000 $ 7,300 $ 5,223 21st Century Learning ($25,000) $ 284 $ (284) $ 75 21st Century Learning 2nd Installment ($6,500) $ 3,000 $ 3,000 School Yard Activities (Jacky Arminen) $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ (2,000) Awards (Mr. Sousa) $ 575 $ 25 $ (25) $ 5,263 $ (3,763) Guest Speaker (Anti-bullying) (Keith Ellis and Kids Club) $ 400 $ 400 $ (400) $ (202) $ 693 Swim Program (Sharon McLaughlin) $ 1,720 $ 2,004 $ (284) CAC Welcome Bag (Corbin Tomaszeski) Total Net Contribution $ 29,741 $23,668 $23,709 $ (2,259) Communication Budget (Meredith McLean) AAC Initiatives (Ornella Parker) $ 303 $ 160 $ 463 $ 537 $ (537) FIP = Funds In Place Float $ 5,000 $ (5,000) FTC = Funds to Complete Total Operating Contributions $ 43,581 $ 9,359 $ 2,988 $12,346 $31,235 $ (31,235) CAC Finance Report: May 2014