R 2000 PRESENTATION – ME 100 Objective: To present the benefits of an R-2000 home To compare an R-2000 home to a regular home
An R- 2000 home provides......... Quality -Homes have high resale value and quality of construction Comfort – R2000 homes are air tight and reduce noise pollution. Better Heath – Cleaner, healthier indoor air and moisture control. Environmental friendly – Reduces demand on natural resources Efficiency - better indoor insulation and up to 45% more energy efficient ($$$) - water consumption is dramatically cut by up to 35% ($$)
Energy Cost Comparison * Graph based on the Ottawa region and its taken from basic 2000 square feet - 3 bedroom houses Natural Resource Canada. R2000 – Energy Efficiency. http://oee.nrcan.gc.ca/residential/personal/new-homes/r-2000/energy-efficiency.cfm?attr=4 Viewed on September 28, 2005.
Conclusion: An R-2000 home definitely costs more to build but............ Benefits include: - Quality - Comfort - Health - Environment - Efficiency (as graph showed) Any Questions???