WERKSTEVREDENHEID / WORK SATISFACTION Werkstevredenheid is die samevattende evaluasie wat mense van hul werk maak, hetsy positief of negatief / job satisfaction is the summary evaluation that people make of their work
WERKSTEVREDENHEID / WORK SATISFACTION Vervreemding vind plaas wanneer werk nie voldoende voorsien in die menslike behoeftes vir identiteit en waarde nie / Alienation occurs when work provides inadequately for human needs for identity and meaning Vervreemding vind plaas wanneer die persoon die werk doen vir ekonomiese redes en nie vir intrinsieke plesier nie / Work is alienating if one does it only because of economic necessity and not for its intrinsic pleasures self-aktualisering vind plaas wanneer die werk bydrae tot die bevrediging van menslike behoeftes / Self-actualisation occurs when work contributes to the fulfilment of these broader human needs
TEORIEë VAN VERVREEMDING / THEORIES OF ALIENATION Karl Marx kyk na die wêreld en kom agter dat soos wat die waarde van materiale goedere vermeerder, verminder die waarde wat op individue geplaas word / Karl Marx observes that as the world of material goods increases in value, the value placed on individuals seems to diminish Karl Marx is van mening dat werkers op vier maniere vervreem word onder kapitalisme / Karl Marx is of the opinion that workers are alienated in four ways under industrial capitalism :
TEORIEë VAN VERVREEMDING / THEORIES OF ALIENTATION Produkte – werkers bepaal nie meer watter produkte vervaardig word en watter vernietig word nie. Om met hierdie produkte te werk het ‘n middel tot ‘n doel geword (werk word maar net gedoen sodat geld verdien kan word). Werkers het nie ‘n verhouding met die produkte wat hul vervaardig het nie, en dus is hulle vervreem van die produkte wat hul gemaak het / Products – workers no longer determine which products is to be made, nor how to dispose of it. Working with these products became a means to an end (work is a means to acquire money). Workers have no meaningful relationship with the products they work with, thus they become alienated towards these products
TEORIEë VAN VERVREEMDING / THEORIES OF ALIENTATION Proses van werk - iemand anders kontroleer die pas, patrone, tydsduur, gereedskap en masjinerie. Waarde van werk verminder verder. Werkers word emosioneel vervreem van werk en verloor soedoende hul identiteit. Identiteit word net gevind buite die werkplek deur ontspanning- en familie aktiwiteite. / Process of work – someone else controls the pace, patterns, timing, tools and techniques. Work becomes less meaningful to them. When workers are emotionally separated from their activity on the job, they become alienated from key aspects of themselves and of their identity as human beings. Their identity is found only outside the workplace through leisure or family pursuits
TEORIEë VAN VERVREEMDING / THEORIES OF ALIENTATION Ontneming van kreatiwiteit – die vermoë om kreatief te wees is wat mense van diere onderskei, mense is afhanklik van kreatiwiteit, anders word ons gesien as masjiene / Denied creativity – the ability to be creative is what distinguishes humans from animals, and humans are dependant on it, otherwise they are reduced to machines Vervreemding van ander – die mens is ‘n sosiale dier van natuur. Werk betrek ander, hetsy direk of indirek. Vervreemding isoleer nie net die werker by die werk nie, maar affekteer ook die aard van sy betrokkenheid by die groter gemeenskap / Alienation from others – we are social animals by nature and work always involve others, either directly or indirectly. Alienation not only isolates the worker while at work, but also affects the nature of his or her involvement in broader society
TEORIEë VAN VERVREEMDING / THEORIES OF ALIENTATION Melvin Seeman is van opinie dat mense vervreemding kan ervaar op verskillende maniere / Melvin Seeman is of opinion that people can experience alienation in different ways. Melvin Seeman sê dat mense vervreemding ervaar in terme van magteloosheid, betekenisloosheid, isolasie, normloosheid en self-vervreemding / Melvin Seeman says people experience alienation in terms of powerlessness, self-estrangement, meaninglessness, isolation and normlessness:
TEORIEë VAN VERVREEMDING / THEORIES OF ALIENTATION Magteloosheid – jy kan nie die gebeure in jou lewe beheer nie / Powerlessness – one cannot control the events in one’s life Self-vervreemding – te min betrokkenheid by belonende aktiwiteite / Self-estrangement – lack of rewarding and engaging activities Betekenisloosheid – mense kan nie die toekoms korrek voorspel nie en mense se pogings het min waardevolle resultate / Meaninglessness – workers cannot adequately predict the future and when their efforts seem to have few worthwhile results Isolasie – teenstrydigheid tussen doelwitte, waardes en verwagtinge van individu en die res van die gemeenskap / Isolation – disparity between goals, values, and expectations of an individual and those of the rest of society Normloosheid – toestand waar die gepaste standaarde van gedrag onbekend is of daar is nie ‘n voldoende rede om dit te gehoorsaam nie / Normlessness – state in which either the appropriate standards of behaviour are unknown or there is insufficient reason to abide by them
TEORIEë VAN SELFVERWESENLIKING / THEORIES OF SELF-ACTUALISATION Volgens Maslow het mense ‘n behoefte hiërargie en die laagste vlak van behoeftes van ‘n persoon wat nie vervul word nie motiveer ‘n mens die meeste / According to Maslow people have a needs hierarchy and the lowest need that is not fulfilled will motivate a person most Maslow se behoefte hiërargie / Maslow’s hierarchy of needs:
Fisiologies/Physiological MASLOW self-aktualisering / Self-actualisation Agting/Self-esteem Liefde/Love Veiligheid/Safety Fisiologies/Physiological S E B H O F T I R A G
TEORIE VAN SELFVERWESENLIKING / THEORIES OF SELF-ACTUALISATION Fisiologies – basiese behoeftes (oorlewing, kos, water, lug, seks) / Physiological – basic needs (necessities for survival, food, water, air, sex) Veiligheid – behoefte vir ‘n veilige fisiese en emosionele omgewing / safety – needs for a secure physical and emotional environment Liefde – behoefte vir aanvaarding en vriendskap / love – needs for acceptance and friendship Esteem – behoefte vir erkenning, aandag, en waardering / esteem – needs for recognition, attention, and appreciation Selfverwesenliking – behoefte om te ontwikkel tot jou volle potensiaal / self-actualisation – needs for developing to one’s fullest potential
TEORIEë VAN SELFVERWESENLIKING / THEORIES OF SELF-ACTUALISATION In Maslow se teorie vervreem werkers hulle meestal van werke wat nie vir hulle die minimum sekuriteit bied nie / In Maslow’s theory the most alienating jobs are those that do not provide for minimum levels of material sustenance and security Die beste werke voorsien in die materiële behoeftes van die werkers en help werkers ook om hulle volle potensiaal te bereik / The best jobs are those that not only provide material necessities – security, belongingness, and esteem – but also help workers develop to their highest potential. Beste werke voorsien behoeftes op alle vlakke / Best jobs provide for needs on all levels
TEORIEë VAN SELFVERWESENLIKING / THEORIES OF SELF-ACTUALISATION Maslow se vervolgers / Maslow’s followers: Frederick Herzberg (2003) observeer dat werkers na verskillende aspekte kyk wanneer hul bepaal of hul tevrede of ontevrede is / Frederick Herzberg (2003) observes that workers consider different issues when determining whether they are satisfied or dissatisfied Tevrede werkers – fokus op professionele groei, prestasie, erkenning, verantwoordelikheid en bevordering / Satisfied workers – stress professional growth, achievement, recognition, responsibility, and advancement
TEORIEë VAN SELFVERWESENLIKING / THEORIES OF SELF-ACTUALISATION Ontevrede werkers – fokus op negatiewe faktore soos bestuursonbevoegdheid, nabye toesighouding, lae betaling, en slegte werksomstandighede / Dissatisfied workers – stress negative factors, such as managerial incompetence, close supervision, low wages, and poor working conditions
TEORIEë VAN SELFVERWESENLIKING / THEORIES OF SELF-ACTUALISATION Herzberg ontwikkel die twee-faktor teorie van werkstevredenheid / Herzberg develop a two-factor theory of job satisfaction: Higiëniese faktore – werkers is ontevrede as hulle moet werk in onaangename fisiese en sosiale omstandighede. Hierdie faktore moet geneutraliseer of verwyder word om vervreemding te vermy. / Hygiene factors – workers are dissatisfied if they have to work in unpleasant physical or social settings. These factors need to be neutralised or removed to avoid alienation.
TEORIEë VAN SELFVERWESENLIKING / THEORIES OF SELF-ACTUALISATION Motiveerders – om tevrede te wees moet jou behoefte vir persoonlike ontwikkeling bevredig word. Dit sluit in dinge soos uitdaging, erkenning, en geleentheid vir ontwikkeling van nuwe vaardighede / Motivators – to be satisfied, workers must have their needs for personal development met. This includes such things as, challenge, recognition, and opportunity for developing new skills
GOEIE EN SLEGTE WERKE / GOOD AND BAD JOBS Faktore wat die graad van werkstevredeheid bepaal sluit die volgende in: / Factors that determine the degree of job satisfaction include: Selfbepaling / self-direction Gevoel van behoort / Belongingness Tegnologie / Technology Organisasie struktuur en beleide / Organisational structure and policies Stres en oorwerk / stress and overwork Individual differences in the experience of work