Make self-care a priority How do I stay healthy? Sleep 7-9 hours a night Be proactive in accessing help or supports Be active at least 150 minutes a week Schedule time for fun and relaxation Laugh! Make self-care a priority Get involved in activities you like to do Suggested timeline for using this slide: throughout September and January This slide has been developed by Student Wellness Services here at Queen’s to remind you to focus on staying healthy and to take care of yourselves. Get into healthy habits early in the term! Sleeping, eating well, exercising, talking about your worries and even laughing can help you manage stress. If you have any questions or want more information, google Queen’s and “health promotion”. Stay connected to friends, family & important others Eat fruits & veggies every day Be kind to yourself! Excellence does not require perfection
Sexual Violence Not sure what to do? If you or someone you know has experienced sexual violence, you can access a variety of supportive services, on and off campus. Not sure what to do? Contact Barb Lotan, Sexual Violence Prevention & Response Coordinator She can help you understand the options and connect you with the services you are comfortable with. Call Barb at 613-533-6330 or email her at B502 Mackintosh-Corry Hall – in the Human Rights Office – Monday-Friday After hours or in an emergency, call Queen's 24h Emergency Line at 613-533-6111 Details of available supports and services: harassment Suggested timeline for using this slide: regularly throughout the year especially in September. .
Campus Locations Student Academic Success Services, Stauffer Library, 613.533.6315 AMS Peer Support Centre, John Deutsch University Centre, Rm 034 (lower level) Barb Lotan Sexual Violence McCorry Hall B502 Chaplain’s Office JDUC Rm 142B Counsellors are located in residence & some faculties. Contact Student Wellness Services for more information Suggested timeline for using this slide: with Slides 1 and 2 at the start of the year to give an idea of some of the resources available on campus This slide has been developed by Student Wellness Services to remind you all of some of the on-campus supports that you should check in with if you need some support, whether it’s academic help, career related or personal. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need to. Career Services, Gordon Hall, 613.533.2992 Student Wellness Services, Health, Counselling, Accessibility and Health Promotion LaSalle Building, 140 and 146 Stuart St.
Come to Student Wellness Services Feeling Overwhelmed? Re-focus on Self-Care Take care of yourself. Make yourself a priority. Re-balance Talk About It Reach out to family, a friend, or a supportive other. Take Action Move. Create. Breathe. Make a change. Ask for help. Use Campus Supports -Student Academic Success Services (SASS) -Peer Support Centre -Peer Mentoring -Chaplain’s Office -Academic Advisors -International Centre -Career Services Come to Student Wellness Services Counselling - Talk to a counsellor about how you are feeling (Counsellors also located in residences and some faculties) Health -See a family doctor or a nurse -Physical, mental, and sexual health Accessibility - Talk to your accessibility advisor if you are registered with Queen’s Student Accessibility Services Health Promotion -Make an appointment to discuss sleep, eating or activity habits, or to access health and wellness information, Not sure who to see? Come to the front desk! This slide can be used when exams and assignments start around mid October and mid February. It reminds the students to take care of themselves, seek help as needed and provides some resources available to them. Student Wellness Services 146 Stuart St (LaSalle building). Health Promotion is next door 140 Stuart St.
Does your friend need help? Worried about a Friend? They stop hanging out with friends and doing things you know they like to do Their weight changes dramatically (gain or loss) They are sleeping way too much or too little They are having trouble making decisions or concentrating Does your friend need help? They are making decisions that are risky or unsafe They are often sad, anxious, angry, irritable, or numb They express feeling hopeless, helpless, worthless and/or trapped They stop going to class or handing in assignments Suggested timeline for using this slide: throughout November and March This is a particularly stressful time of year. This slide has been developed by Student Wellness Services to help make sure you that you all know what to do if you notice that a friend may be in trouble or if you are experiencing issues relating to stress. Supports are available to support you and your peers. Don’t hesitate to ask for help or refer a friend. You may also want to slide 3 with the campus map and resources at the same time. These slides are based upon materials created by the Department of Geography in 2011. Approach, Listen, Support, Refer them to Student Wellness Services