INTERACTIVE WHITEBOARD GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE To copy an umpire or directional arrow, press <CONTROL> and <C>. Press <CONTROL> and <V> on your keyboard to paste the object. You can then reposition using the mouse.
WHERE TO START AFTER A GOAL OR AT THE START OF A QUARTER As a normal starting positioning after every goal and at the start of each quarter, 2 umpires stand on opposite sides of the square and the 2nd umpire on the double side will “float” between the arc and the centre square on the boundary. Preferably as you would run to the corner, keep running in a straight line towards the boundary line
WHERE TO START AFTER A GOAL OR AT THE START OF A QUARTER As a normal starting positioning after every goal and at the start of each quarter, 2 umpires stand on opposite sides of the square and the 2nd umpire on the double side will “float” between the arc and the centre square on the boundary. Preferably as you would run to the corner, keep running in a straight line towards the boundary line
Where to stand for a kick in – focusing on the double side When a behind is scored and the kick in is taking place, the following diagram should help visualise where to stand for a kick in. Stand on arc as normal if you are on the single side. If you are on the double side, the umpire closest to the goals, stands parallel to the goal square and the umpire further above, stands parallel to the centre square. Once the kick in has taken place, please indicate to the 2nd umpire if you are going to keep the play or hand it off
Where to stand for a kick in – focusing on the double side When a behind is scored and the kick in is taking place, the following diagram should help visualise where to stand for a kick in. Stand on arc as normal if you are on the single side. If you are on the double side, the umpire closest to the goals, stands parallel to the goal square and the umpire further above, stands parallel to the centre square. Once the kick in has taken place, please indicate to the 2nd umpire if you are going to keep the play or hand it off