SHAPE Shape is any enclosed space that has height and width A Shape is two-dimensional . . . it has height and width but no depth.
Is this a LINE or a SHAPE?
This is a SHAPE it has height and width
In fashion this is considered a LINE DRAWING but if you look at the image you will see that it is made up of many different SHAPES.
Geometric Shapes Circles, Squares, rectangles and triangles Geometric Shapes Circles, Squares, rectangles and triangles. We see them in architecture and manufactured items
This figure is drawn in a very geometric way
Using geometric shapes in fashion illustration
Organic/Natural Shapes found in nature Leaf Seashells Flowers We see them in nature and with characteristics that are free flowing, informal and irregular
Organic Shapes in Fashion Illustration
What type of shapes are in this image?
Geometric Shapes Organic Shapes
Positive Shapes The object that is drawn. In this case the positive shape is the hair, eyes and glasses, lips, finger nails, neck and shirt.
Negative Shapes The space around the positive shapes is called the Negative Shapes. In this example the negative shapes are the hand, face, and background.
Positive and Negative Shapes . . . also known as positive and negative space.
This is a picture of an embrace This is a picture of an embrace. The back view of the man is the positive space (it is blue) and the background and the hands are the negative space. What are the finger nails? Positive or Negative?
What color are the positive SHAPES in this picture?
Static Shapes Shapes that appear stable and resting
Static figure in fashion illustration
Dynamic Shapes Shapes that appear moving and active
Dynamic Fashion Illustration
Abstract Shapes Abstract shapes have a recognizable form, but are not real. They are stylized or simplified versions of organic shapes.
Abstract Fashion Illustrations