The Appalachian Trail is 2,172 miles long The Appalachian Trail is 2,172 miles long. If Sharon hikes 12 miles each day, how many days will it take her to hike the Appalachian Trail? 0181 12 2,172 -12 97 -96 12 181 miles each day Video Hint
Hadley’s softball team has a phone tree in case a game is cancelled Hadley’s softball team has a phone tree in case a game is cancelled. The coach call 3 players, then each of those players call 3 players and so on. How many players will be notified in the 3rd round of calls? Coach 1st round Player Player Player 2nd round P P P P P P P P P 3rd round PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP 27 Players Video Hint This video is about exponents which is another way to solve this type of problem.
Order the decimals from least to greatest and place them on a number line. 3.35, 3.15, 2.95, 3.05, 3.2 2.9 2.95 3.0 3.05 3.1 3.15 3.2 3.25 3.3 3.35 2.95, 3.05, 3.15, 3.2, 3.35 Video Hint
Jeremy bought a bottle of water for $1 Jeremy bought a bottle of water for $1.45 and a bag of fruit snacks for $2.25. How much money will Jeremy get back if he pays for his purchases with a ten-dollar bill? Jeremy’s Purchases 1.45 +2.25 $3.70 Jeremy’s Change 10.00 -3.70 $6.30 $6.30 in change Video Hint Video Hint (Adding Decimals) (Subtracting Decimals)
Brent mixed 4. 5 gallons of blue paint with 1 Brent mixed 4.5 gallons of blue paint with 1.7 gallons of white paint and 2.4 gallons of red paint to make a light purple paint. About how many gallons of purple paint did he make? About is telling you to ESTIMATE Estimate means you MUST round the numbers BEFORE you do any math 4.5 gallons 5 gallons 1.7 gallons 2 gallons 2.4 gallons 2 gallons 5 + 2 + 2 = 9 gallons 9 gallons Video Hint Video Hint (Rounding to the nearest 10) (Rounding with decimals)
3 and 7 are the common prime factors What prime numbers are factors of both 21 and 42? Remember that you are trying to find all of the prime numbers “hiding” inside of the given number. 21 3 42 7 6 2 3 3 and 7 are the common prime factors Video Hint (Identifying Prime Numbers) Video Hint (Prime Factorization)
Express the sum of each pair of numbers as a product of the greatest common factor of the numbers and another sum. 42 + 105 Find the GCF of the numbers in the sum Divide each number in the sum by the GCF 42 ÷ 21 = 2 105 ÷ 21 = 5 Rewrite the sum as a multiplication table of the GCF and what is left of the sum Step 1 42 1 × 42 2 × 21 6 × 7 105 1 × 105 3 × 35 5 × 21 7 × 15 Step 2 Step 3 21(2 + 5) Video Hint (This is a little more advanced because it is factoring with a variable but the overall concept is the same )
There are 36 apples, 28 oranges, and 24 pears in a basket There are 36 apples, 28 oranges, and 24 pears in a basket. The fruits are packed into bags. An equal number of each kind of fruit is packed into each bag. What is the greatest number of bags of fruit that could be packed? 36 ÷ 4 = 9 28 ÷ 4 = 7 24 ÷ 4 = 6 GCF 36 apples 1 × 36 2 × 18 3 × 12 4 × 9 6 × 6 28 oranges 1 × 28 2 × 14 4 × 7 24 pears 1 × 24 2 × 12 3 × 8 4 × 6 4 bags of fruit with 9 apples, 7 oranges and 6 pears in each Video Hint
Over the summer Jenny grew 5 6 of an inch and Jeb grew 0.85 of an inch. Who grew more over the summer? Jeb 0.85 0.83 Jenny 5 6 6 5.00 -48 20 -18 2 Jeb grew more Video Hint
Dr. Lutinski bought 12 1 2 pounds of ground turkey for the 8th grade cookout. He plans on using 1 4 pound of turkey for each hamburger. How many hamburgers can he make? 12 1 2 ÷ 1 4 25 2 × 4 1 100 2 50 50 hamburgers Video Hint