Day 7 8.25.11 Complete in notebook pg. 11 TOPIC: Static Electricity OBJECTIVE: I will use technology to understand static electricity. STARTER: Finish setting up your notebook, then review your homework for the next activity. Other business: Be sure to have your 3 ring binder by Monday. MU Parent forms
Exploring Electric Charge Complete in lab groups at computers- Mr. Clapp will assign COMPUTER EXPECTATIONS Leave computer on when finished Put lab in class tray
RP: What is Static. Copy and complete the statement RP: What is Static? Copy and complete the statement. (In Notebook page 11) An example of static is… Static refers to… The two kinds of charge are...and... The ___ of an atom is ____ charged, while the surrounding shells are______charged. If you add electrons it becomes _____ charged. If you remove electrons it becomes___charged. If you have the same amount of (+) and (-) charges it becomes_____charged. Rubbing produces static because… Objects that are oppositely charged ____ one another, while objects that have the same charge ____ one another. Explain one negative effect of static electricity. Explain one benefit of static electricity. There is more static electricity in the winter time because… How does “anti-static” spray work?