What is a paragraph? A group of sentences about one main idea Includes a topic sentence that will indicate to the reader what the paragraph will be about Will have supporting sentences giving detail and evidence to support this idea Kindly contributed to the Adult Basic Skills Resource Centre http://www.skillsworkshop.org by Sharon Mason SharonMason@hillcroft.ac.uk Hillcroft College, Surbiton Wt/E3.2 Organize writing in short paragraphs Wt/L1.3 Present information in a logical sequence using paragraphs where appropriate Wt/L2.3 present information and ideas in a logical or persuasive sequence, using paragraphs where appropriate
Writing your assignments Each paragraph should be on a different but related topic Every time you introduce or explore a new idea, start another paragraph.
Paragraph layout Leave a line between each paragraph If you are handwriting, leave a small indentation on the first line. If you are typing - don’t leave an indentation - keep it fully blocked.
Linking your paragraphs together You can link them together by number e.g. firstly, secondly, thirdly With words and phrases e.g. Despite this,… Similarly,… On the contrary, … However, it has been … On the one hand,…On the other hand,…
If you follow all of these rules…