Welcome to Open House Nutley high School English as a second language program Ms. Jane frost-guzzo, ESL TEACHER September 20, 2012
Goals of Advanced ESL Build academic vocabulary 5 credits Build academic vocabulary Practice oral reading to improve pronunciation Improve writing skills; prepare for the high school graduation test (HSPA) and/or college courses Read audio versions of fiction and non-fiction books (modified and original)
Benefits of Advanced ESL Students are permitted and encouraged to use bilingual dictionaries during all of their classes, quizzes, and tests. Each Advanced ESL student is graded on a Pass/Fail basis in the regular English class. This is a period of transition into regular English class and out of the ESL Program.
Testing Accommodations Students are allowed 150% extra time on all NJ tests. Example: 30 →45; 60 →90 minutes Students are allowed to use bilingual dictionaries during NJ tests, during all classes, and during all quizzes and tests. Students may get extra test time in all classes. ESL students take NJ tests in a separate room.
Websites for English Language Learners Ms. Frost-Guzzo’s website: http://www.nutleyschools.org/olc/teacher.aspx?s=183 The Newbury House Dictionary of American English: http://nhd.heinle.com/home.aspx Bilingual dictionaries – Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Russian, French, Italian, and German http://dictionary.reverso.net/ Online translator for 50 languages: www.paralink.com
Websites for English Language Learners World Book Kids Encyclopedia in English: http://www.worldbookonline.com/kids/home World Book Kids Encyclopedia in Spanish: http://www.worldbookonline.com/eeh/home
Websites for English Language Learners www.brainpop.com
Contact Information Teacher’s email address: jfrost-guzzo@nutleyschools.org Supervisor, Mr. Joseph Materia Nutley High School (973)661-8823
Welcome to Open House Nutley high School English as a second language program Ms. Jane frost-guzzo, ESL TEACHER September 20, 2012
Goals of Intermediate ESL Periods 4/5 10 credits Build academic vocabulary Practice oral reading to improve pronunciation Improve writing skills Practice timed writing to prepare for the high school graduation test (HSPA)
Benefits of the ESL Program Students are allowed and encouraged to use bilingual dictionaries during all content area classes, quizzes, and tests. English Language Learners may receive extra time to complete quizzes and tests in content area classes. Content area teachers modify lessons, quizzes, and tests for English Language Learners, when needed.
Testing Accommodations Students are allowed 150% extra time on all NJ tests. Example: 30 →45; 60 →90 minutes Students are allowed to use bilingual dictionaries during NJ tests, during all classes, and during all quizzes and tests. Students may get extra test time in all classes. ESL students take NJ tests in a separate room.
Websites for English Language Learners Ms. Frost-Guzzo’s website: http://www.nutleyschools.org/olc/teacher.aspx?s=183 The Newbury House Dictionary of American English: http://nhd.heinle.com/home.aspx Bilingual dictionaries – Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Russian, French, Italian, and German http://dictionary.reverso.net/ Online translator for 50 languages: www.paralink.com
Websites for English Language Learners World Book Kids Encyclopedia in English: http://www.worldbookonline.com/kids/home World Book Kids Encyclopedia in Spanish: http://www.worldbookonline.com/eeh/home
Websites for English Language Learners www.brainpop.com
Contact Information Teacher’s email address: jfrost-guzzo@nutleyschools.org Supervisor, Mr. Joseph Materia Nutley High School (973)661-8823
Welcome to Open House Nutley high School English as a second language program Ms. Jane frost-guzzo, ESL TEACHER September 20, 2012
Goals of Beginner ESL Reading /Writing 10 credits Guide students in learning English Build on their speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills Learn about American culture
Period 7/8 Reading & Writing Unit 3 – Conflict and Cooperation Modern Drama Series Student Internet Connection to Visions A
Period 7/8 ESL – Book #1 Visions A By: Heinle Consists of 6 thematic units Each unit is broken down into chapters Focuses on language, literature, and content Show reading fluency Explain content information orally Write with style Build on content vocabulary Use different reading strategies Build grammar skills Recognize the structure of a text Show understanding of punctuation and capitalization Work well with others Show critical thinking skills. WHY??? Make predictions
Period 7/8: Book #2 ESL Beginner Reading & Writing Victor’s Secret By: Elizabeth Neblett Improve in all four skills Build vocabulary Improve comprehension Build grammar skills Learn/identify character traits Relate to self Make predictions
Testing Accommodations Students are allowed 150% extra time on all NJ tests. Example: 30 →45; 60 →90 minutes Students are allowed to use bilingual dictionaries during NJ tests, during all classes, and during all quizzes and tests. Students may get extra test time in all classes. ESL students take NJ tests in a separate room.
Websites for English Language Learners Ms. Frost-Guzzo’s website: http://www.nutleyschools.org/olc/teacher.aspx?s=183 The Newbury House Dictionary of American English: http://nhd.heinle.com/home.aspx Bilingual dictionaries – Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Russian, French, Italian, and German http://dictionary.reverso.net/ Online translator for 50 languages: www.paralink.com
Websites for English Language Learners World Book Kids Encyclopedia in English: http://www.worldbookonline.com/kids/home World Book Kids Encyclopedia in Spanish: http://www.worldbookonline.com/eeh/home
Websites for English Language Learners www.brainpop.com
Contact Information Teacher’s email address jfrost-guzzo@nutleyschools.org Supervisor, Mr. Joseph Materia Nutley High School (973)661-8823