Hendro K., dr Medical Nutrition Departement


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Presentation transcript:

Hendro K., dr Medical Nutrition Departement MENU PLANNING Hendro K., dr Medical Nutrition Departement

General objective Understand, explain and develop the dietary prescription in diettary management with the teamwork (dietitient/nurse) or make the nutritional application advice/education to the patient base on medical nutrition knowledge and related clinical reasoning depend on patient condition

References book Daftar komposisi bahan makanan & Food list exchange. Krause’s Food Nutrition and Diet Therapy.

Steps Step 1 : Status Nutritional Assessment Step 2 : Nutritional Requirement Calculation Step 3 : Meal Planning Step 4 : Re-Assess

Step 1 : Status Nutritional Assessment Measurement : Body weight Body height / length BMI BIA Status : Obese Normal Undernourished

Step 2 : Nutritional Requirement Calculation Adult BMR Male : 1 kkal/kg/hr BMR Female : 0.9 kkal/kg/hr Carbohidrat : 50-60% Protein : 0,8-1,2 gr/kg Fat : (20-25 %) Children Energy : 80 – 100 kkal/kgBW/day Protein : 1,5 gr/kgBW Fat : 25 % from energy total

Step 3 : Meal Planning Determine Type of food: Frequency (times) Source of Carbohydrate, Protein, Fat, Vitamins, Minerals Menu : food/ combine of food that ready to eat Type of cooked Frequency (times) Amount / portion

Step 4 : Re-Assess Fill the table Calculating with DKBM Remember : Nutritional Requirement Factually : not exactly precise

Thank you