Chapter 11 & 12-Living in a family Married and Single Life Textbook
Types of families Patriarchal family Matriarchal family Father is head of family Matriarchal family Mother is head of family How do you think The Industrial Revolution affected families in the 1700’s? More people began to work outside the home and by the late 19th century men became primary breadwinners and women began to concentrate on motherhood and household management- this became known as the traditional family. Egalitarian family Distributes power and responsibility evenly between husband and wife
Functions of the family Families should provide: protection for members economic support members with identity a sense of acceptance and belonging responsible for socialization of children (teaching acceptable behavior) setting for personal development What is a dysfunctional family? Functional provides a POSITIVE environment for development. Dysfunctional provides a NEGATIVE environment that contributes little to personal development.
Strong families Commitment Time together Communication Appreciation Shared beliefs Adjust to changing roles
Challenges of family life Balancing Work and Family Be supportive in attitude and actions Delegate responsibilities Set priorities Use management skills Talk about your needs Include time for fun Develop a support system Unemployment Moving Illness and disabilities Addictions Family violence Death