Leading Effective Teams The Power of Interdependence Jon Spence, Ed.D. spencej@evangel.edu evangel.edu @drjonspence
What is a Team? When two or more individuals come together for a common purpose who are mutually accountable for the results. Important to note: People can be assembled to to work on the same task, but this does not constitute that they are a team. A team with the right resources and training is capable of effectively responding to challenge and creating a high level of productivity. However, a poorly trained or resourced team has the potential of implosion, leaving a wake of damage with far reaching consequences beyond their initial work.
Seven Keys to Leading Effective Teams Maturity of team members A shared purpose of existence and shared values of operation Empowerment of members Strong relationships and open communication Flexibility in the face of challenge Commitment to optimal productivity Celebration
Maturity Effective teams are built more on a foundation of maturity than talent. Maturity among team members is an intentional action age is inevitable, maturity is a choice. Maturity begins when an individual chooses to lead himself. The evolution of maturity: Dependency – the individual’s decision-making power is in the hands of others. Independency – the individual makes decisions based on wise counsel and takes responsibility for the consequences of personal action. Interdependency – fully aware of personal strengths and weaknesses, the individual sees more is accomplished when partnering with others.
A shared purpose of existence and shared values of operation What is the team’s purpose? Without purpose it’s just a group of people sharing space. When the purpose is clear to all members, there is a confidence in direction. Operation within the boundaries of shared values solidifies discipline in the face of obstacles. Established at the inception of the team. All team members must be committed to live within the set boundaries. The shared values will protect against tension created by tempting short cuts.
Empowerment of members Teams exemplifying cohesion and consistent success possess a wide variety of strengths Team members are selected because they have a skill uniquely outfitted for a specific need. Each is provided the appropriate resources in order to operate effectively in his or her skill set. The leadership challenge for members is the acceptance and collaboration factor. Do the members accept the unique contributions that each member can make ? Can the members effectively collaborate for the good of the team? Professional development is provided to improve strengths and continued relevance Individual contribution to the purpose translates into mutual respect among members.
Strong relationships and open communication Information and knowledge is shared equally among team members. Each team member must understand his or her responsibility to execute in collaboration with other members. Team members make a concerted effort to over-communicate about the how and why of execution. A high level of trust is cultivated when the freedom to speak and share opinion is granted. Members value different, sometimes opposing views There is healthy debate that safe guards against “groupthink.” Commitment to honest and diplomatic feedback.
Flexibility in the face of challenge Each team member recognizes the impact of individual action on the whole team. Each member is responsible for team performance, development, and leadership. At times, the point person in leadership will change due to the situation and skill needed for the task. Each person has a clear understanding that his contribution impacts the other members of the team.
Commitment to optimal productivity Each team member understands the contribution of his strengths to achieve the purpose. Each team member understands and respects the specific contribution that his team mates are making to the team. There is a constant absorption of and analysis of information in order to make the best decisions. When all the oars are in the water rowing together in the same direction, the team is driven by desire to accomplish the mission. Bench mark goals are set, deadlines are agreed upon, and the purpose is achieved.
Celebration A high performing team incorporates celebration. A major part of mutual respect is encouragement that maximizes collaborative accomplishment. Giving words of affirmation as well as specific recognition reinforces personal value to the team. This also generates an enthusiasm for working together and gives team members a sense of ownership and pride in a job well done
References Blanchard, K (2007) Leading at a higher level: Blanchard on leadership and creating high performing organizations. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Covey, S.R. (1989) Seven habits of highly effective people: Restoring character ethic. New York: Free Feige (Producer) & Whedon, J. (Director). (2012). The avengers [Motion Picture]. United States: Marvel Studios & Paramount Pictures. Neck, C. P, & Manz, C. C. (2009). Mastering self-leadership: Empowering yourself for personal excellence (5th ed). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. NFL Network. (Producer) (2007). America's game: 1984 San Francisco 49ers [DVD]. Available from http://nflnetwork.com NFL Network. (Producer) (2007). America's game: 1988 San Francisco 49ers [DVD]. Available Rath T., & Conchie, B. (2008). Strengths based leadership: Great leaders, teams and why people follow. New York: Gallup P