CURRICULUM LINKS: Social Studies 1 Outcome 2: Students will take age-appropriate action to practise responsible behaviour in caring for the environment Competencies P-3 Citizenship: begin to develop an understanding of and to contribute towards environmental sustainability Social studies 4 Outcome 4: Students will examine the relationship between humans and the physical environment Competencies 4-6 Citizenship: participate in activities that promote environmental sustainability and begin to understand the impacts Science 6 Electricity Outcome 2: Students will explain how renewable and non-renewable electricity is generated and its local and global environmental impacts Social Studies 7-9 Culture and Diversity: demonstrate an understanding of the interdependent relationship among individuals, societies, and the environment—locally, nationally, and globally—and the implications for a sustainable future Science 9 Characteristics of Electricity Electricity, Energy, and the Environment make informed decisions and propose a course of action on science, technology, and social issues, including human and environmental needs for electricity and energy (113-9, 113-13) Science 10 Life Science: Sustainability of an Ecosystem identify, investigate, and defend a course of action on a multi-perspective social issue (118-9, 215-4, 118-5) Energy, Power, and Transportation Technologies 11 Unit 6: Environmental Impact of Energy, Power, and Transportation 6.5 observe how the use of power contributes to pollution, and list the major sources of pollution
WHAT IS EARTH HOUR? SHINE A LIGHT ON CLIMATE CHANGE! Promote awareness about energy waste and its role in climate change
SHINE A LIGHT ON CLIMATE CHANGE! Turn off as much power as you can! Turn off the lights and appliances, and unplug electronics Tell your friends and family to turn off as much power as they can Tell your parents not to drive during this time If 8:30-9:30 is too late, have an earlier Earth Hour
IMPACTS ON THE ENVIRONMENT Reduce our energy usage and stop energy waste Prevent greenhouse gases emissions Slow climate change Reduce our ecological footprint
ACTIVITIES THAT DON’T USE POWER Play a board game with your friends or family using candles Read a book using a flashlight Use glow sticks in recycled bottles to play night time outdoor bowling Put on a shadow puppet play Go outside and star gaze, you can even use a telescope Tell scary stories in the dark!