Pepper Drive Middle School 6th Grade Language Arts, Language Arts Enrichment, and Ancient Civilization Courses
Contact Information Carly Wirth Email: Phone: (619) 956-5140 Room: 16 Classroom Website (homework, links, blogs): Click ‘Pepper Drive’ in drop-down Click ‘Staff Websites’ Find ‘Wirth’
Language Arts Course Topics Covered: Analysis of various genres of literature (fiction, nonfiction, poetry, etc.) Mastery of different types of writing (paragraph, compare/contrast, persuasion, short story) Grading: Story Tests/Quizzes/Projects (reading/writing): 50% Reading/Writing Participation/Classwork: 30% Homework (Lit. book/writing): 20% Textbook covered in backpack
Language Arts Enrichment Course Topics Covered: Grammar (conventions/rules of written language) Spelling (weekly activities and test) Independent Reading (AR) Grading: Grammar/Spelling Tests/Quizzes/Projects: 50% Grammar/Spelling Homework/Classwork: 30% Accelerated Reading Logs/Goals: 20% Textbook stays at school
Classroom Policies Late Work Policy: Homework: 1 day late = half credit; 1+ days late = no credit Writing/projects: 10% deduction for each day late Homework always posted on my class website by class If absent, student is responsible for getting missed work (each day absent = number of days to complete work) Expectations: Be prepared for class each day. Be an active participant in the teaching-learning process. Show respect to teachers and peers. Stay on-task, and use class time productively. Always try your best.
Maternity Leave Mid-December to Mid-February (8 weeks/6 school weeks) Conferences Dec. 5-9
Ancient Civilizations Course Topics Covered: Study of various ancient civilizations (their rise, fall, and impact on today): Mesopotamia, Egypt, Israel, India, China, the Americas, Greece, and Rome Geography skill practice Grading: Tests/Quizzes/Projects: 50% Participation/Classwork: 30% Homework (NTG): 20% Textbook covered and left at home Classroom Policies same as LA & LAE courses