Oracle Balanced Scorecard is a web-based application which user can access via internet browser such as I/E or Netscape. The authorization of each user is depend on setup security which tied up with user and password. To Demo: Click on “Connect” Oracle Property
To Demo: Click on “My Balanced Scorecard” Oracle Property
This is the sample of Oracle Balanced Scorecard (OBSC) screen This is the sample of Oracle Balanced Scorecard (OBSC) screen. The indicator will indicate the status of the KPIs. To Demo: 1.Point that the Sales Growth has red color 2.Click on “Sales Growth” to drill down to the problem Oracle Property
The solid bar of the graph represent the actual data while shade bar represent the forecast data. The Sales Growth has red color because the actual data is below the budget (target) amount of that month. Since the sales growth is sum amount of all product, in order to know which product is the cause of the problem. Click on “Product Line”, the drop down window will be appear. Clikc on “Comparison” Oracle Property
We can identify that the Seasonal Brews is the cause of the problem. Click on “Seasonal Brews” (the red bar), then we will drill down into the detail of this product. Oracle Property
1)However, the sales growth has relationship with other KPIs, click on “C&E” (Cause and Effect) button. 2)The Cause and Effect window will be appear. 3)Click on “Price Gap” and we can drill down to that KPI which made sales growth below the target Oracle Property
Click on “View” button, the drop down window will be appear Click on “Strategic Map” Oracle Property
This is another view of balanced scorecard that can be setup depend on requirement of the customer. Click on “Return on Equity” Oracle Property
This is called “Simulation Tree”, we can setup simulation tree to see the impact of each measurement on others if the formula can be defined. ROE of current period is green but let try on simulating. 1)Click on “Period”, the drop down window will be appear. 2)Click on “December” Oracle Property
Note the color of this page will be in shade because it is not the actual data but forecast. Describe that ROE of Dec is in red, let simulate. Click on the scroll bar of “Sales” box. Oracle Property
Notify that if we would like to turn the ROE into green, we have to increase sales volume by 27%. Click on “Back” button (the yellow arrow) to return to the main page Oracle Property
Click on Sales Growth Oracle Property
1)Click on “Links” button, the link window will be popup 2)We can link to other application , document or other media that Corporate would like to share. For example, in this case click on “Project” 3)It will link to Microsoft Project. Oracle Property
Oracle Property