Deep Ocean Zone and Ocean Exploration How deep can we go?
Warm Up October 23 What technology is used to explore the Earth’s oceans? Objectives: 8.E.1.2 Essential Questions: How does the deep ocean differ from the neritic zone?
Warm Up November 3 How is life capable for surviving on the deep ocean floor without sunlight? What are some positive and negative aspects of drilling for oil in the deep ocean? Objectives: 8.E.1.2 -TSW understand the difference between the neritic zone, the intertidal zone, and the deep ocean zone. -TSWU how deep ocean exploration and technology continues to provide information about new life forms and deep ocean ecosystems. Essential Question: -How do organisms survive on the deep ocean floor without sunlight?
Warm Up November 4 How do ocean currents affect our planet? How does the Gulf Stream affect Paris, France? Objectives: 8.E.1.2 -TSWU that the ocean is divided up into many smaller ecosystems. -TSWU the types of organisms that live in each marine ecosystem. Essential Question: -What types of ecosystems are found in the ocean? -What types of organisms can be found in each marine ecosystem?
The intertidal and neritic zones have lots of life because
The intertidal and neritic zones have lots of life because of the Sun! It kicks off PHOTOSYNTHESIS…so all the producers (sea plants & phytoplankton autotrophs) can make their own food! And subsequently, become food for all others in a food web.
But there is no Sun in the deep zone (aka benthic zone).
But there is no Sun in the deep zone (aka the ABYSS).
Quick question: Are deep ocean trenches from converging or diverging plates?
Quick question: Are deep ocean trenches from converging or diverging plates?
Surprisingly, the deepest ocean trenches occur (happen) when one plate is getting pushed below another… SUBDUCTION.
Surprisingly, the deepest ocean trenches occur (happen) when one plate is getting pushed below another… SUBDUCTION (creating volcanoes).
The deep ocean zone (benthic zone) is the largest sized ocean ecosystem by far! But, because of crushing pressure, darkness, and its huge size, most of it is unexplored!
Life exists even in the ABYSS! amoeba-life-111023.html
Life exists even in the ABYSS!
Life exists even in the ABYSS! HOW? CHEMICAL ENERGY ! (not solar energy)
Life exists even in the ABYSS! HOW? CHEMICAL ENERGY ! (not solar energy) hydrothermal vents, submarine hot springs, and methane seeps;
Life exists even in the ABYSS! HOW? CHEMICAL ENERGY ! (not solar energy) hydrothermal vents, submarine hot springs, and methane seeps; chemosynthetic organisms – sulfur eating bacteria
Life exists even in the ABYSS! HOW? CHEMICAL ENERGY ! (not solar energy) hydrothermal vents, submarine hot springs, and methane seeps; chemosynthetic organisms;
Life exists even in the ABYSS! HOW? CHEMICAL ENERGY ! (not solar energy) hydrothermal vents, submarine hot springs, and methane seeps; chemosynthetic organisms; dead stuff. – organisms that die and sink
Why do you think plankton rise to the top of the ocean when the sun sets? Why do they sink when the sun rises? What effect does this have on other organisms? The sea spider is related to shrimp and crabs, but its physical appearance differs from these animals. How specifically are sea spiders different from shrimp? How are they different from crabs? Are there reasons for these differences? How does the vampire squid defend itself against predators? Name some other animals that use unique methods to defend themselves.
chemosynthesis vs. photosynthesis n05/l5ex1.htm
Venn Diagram Directions: create a Venn diagram and compare and contrast the following ocean ecosystems: intertidal, neritic, and deep ocean. Requirements: 24 total facts, at least one fact in each section, 1 colored picture per zone, and complete the reflection questions on the back of the Venn diagrams.
Reflection Questions: 1. Why do you think zoo plankton rise to the top of the ocean when the sun sets? Why do they sink when the sun rises? What effect does this have on other organisms? 2. What is the difference between chemosynthesis and photosynthesis? Do organisms living in the deep ocean depend on chemosynthesis or photosynthesis for food? Explain your answer… What adaptation are necessary for organisms living in the intertidal zone? How far can light penetrate into the ocean? Explain how this affects organisms living in the ocean…
Ocean Exploration Only 5% of the ocean has been explored. Because of this, we know more about the surface of the moon than we do about the deep ocean floor.
Ocean Exploration How do we explore the deepest parts of our ocean? submarines & other submersibles. ALVIN – A one to three manned submersible
Ocean Exploration How do we explore the deepest parts of our ocean? sonar (sound waves) map sea floor.