AP Comp Gov? What do you want to review? What do you feel the weakest on?
Comparative Review
Elections UK Russia FPP elections for House of Commons Majority party in H.o.C. elects Prime Minister Cabinet made up of MP’s House of Lords—ALL appointed, 92 hereditary (890 members, 2nd biggest legislative body in the world!) Attempted reforms have failed Russia Proportional representation in the Duma (7%) Regional bodies pick members of Federation Council (upper house) President elected by direct elections (run-off) PM nominated by President, approved by Duma
Elections China Iran 3 hierarchies— Government, Party, Military Direct elections at local level (with party approval for candiates) Iran Presidential runoff
Nigeria—just like the US 4 yr. presidential terms, 2 term limit, FPP, runoff Regional requirements Bicameral legislature, (all FPP) Mexico Sexenio for presidents, FPP, NO RUNOFF 3 yr. term for lower house (Chamber of Deputies) 6 yr terms for Senate Both Chamber and Senate are combo proportional and FPP
Which of our countries is… Code law?
Which of our countries is… Federalist (constitutionally)?
Which of our countries is… Wealthier in the South?
Which of our countries has… A dual executive?
Which of our countries is… A liberal democracy?
Which of our countries… Still has revolutionary legitimacy?
Since 1999, every president except the current one has been a member of the People’s Democratic Party in the country of… Ideology—Fairly conservative
Name 4 political parties in the United Kingdom.
Political parties in Iran Moderation and Development party—moderate (Khatami, Rafsanjani, Rouhani) Alliance of builders of Islamic Iran—Conservative party that fell off
The three main political parties in Mexico are… Put each of their basic ideologies as well!
Liberal Democratic Party in Russia?
A hybrid regime?
Which of our countries is… A rentier state?
Which of our countries is… In the WTO?
Powers that almost all executives have are…
Powers that almost all legislatures have are…
Which of our countries has… A strong legislative branch?
Which of our countries has… Judicial review?
Which of our countries has… A stronger lower legislative house than upper legislative house?
Which of our countries has… A multi-party system?
Which of our countries does NOT have… Full sovereignty?
Which of our countries has… A history of revolution?
Which of our countries has… Social class as its largest cleavage?
Which of our countries has… Proportional representation?
Which of our countries has… Run-off elections?
Which of our countries has… Constitutional legitimacy?
Which of our countries has… Devolution?