“-isms” in History
What is an -ism? An –ism is a suffix. In History, isms can be used to describe various systems and movements. These can be: Social – having to do with people & culture Political – having to do with government Economic – having to do with wealth Religion/Philosophy – having to do with beliefs Military – having to do with war and conflict The acronym SPERM is an easy way to remember these aspects of history.
Absolutism Political System The King has absolute power over his people. Example: King Louis XIV was an absolute Ruler of France during the Fifteenth Century.
Animism Religion that originated in Africa Belief that the spirit world dwells in all plants and animals Example: Shamanism is a form of Animism that exists in many tribal societies.
Buddhism Religion that originated in India. Influenced by Hinduism. People who follow the teachings of Buddhism believe that people must practice self denial and meditation to reach Nirvana (perfection) Siddhartha Gautama was the first Buddha and founder of the religion.
Calvinism Christian Religion that originated in Europe. Calvinists believe that they are destined for whatever fate God has set forth for them regardless of their actions. Founded by John Calvin during the Protestant Reformation.
Capitalism Economic System The means of production and the distribution of wealth are controlled by the people and operated for profit. The government’s role in the economy is small. Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations was written during the enlightenment promoting the system of capitalism.
Colonialism Political and Economic System The system by which a mother country sets up colonies outside it’s borders in order to control the resources of the areas it controls. Example: Great Britain set up colonies in North America, Africa and Asia during the eighteenth century.
Communism Economic, Political and Social System A form of Socialism in which the government imposes a classless society and an equal distribution of wealth. Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto was written to promote a Communist system of government. Communism is sometimes referred to as Marxism.
Confucianism Religion, Philosophy and Social System that originated in China. Emphasizes traditional values such as obedience, knowing each person’s role in society. Ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius stressed the importance of respect for order to protect China from invaders and disasters.
Ethnocentrism Philosophy View that one’s own group is at the center of everything. Because China developed it’s civilization independently and was isolated from Western Civilization, Chinese rulers felt that China was at the center of the world.
Fascism Political System Absolute dictatorship that glorifies the nation over the individual. Examples: Adolph Hitler and Benito Mussolini were Fascist Dictators.
Feudalism Political, Economic and Social System Decentralized government in which the king grants out land to nobles in exchange for a tax. The Peasants must produce food for the king and nobles in exchange for protection. Examples: Ancient China, Medieval Europe and Japan.
Hinduism Religion that originated in India Each person follows a rigid caste system containing rules for proper behavior. Their behavior (karma) influences whether or not they are born into a higher caste in their next life. Vishnu is the most powerful God in Hinduism.
Imperialism Political, Economic, Social and Military System. Policy whereby one nation dominates another by direct or indirect rule. All Empires practiced a form of Imperialism. Example: The Roman Empire was an imperial Nation that conquered and dominated other nations.
Imperialism (continued)
Isolationism Political and Military Policy Policy of avoiding or limiting involvement in the affairs or conflicts of other Nations. Example: The United States followed a policy of isolationism until the World Wars of the twentieth Century.
Judaism Religion that originated in Israel. Monotheistic Religion of the Hebrews whose principles are rooted in the Old Testament (Torah) and the Talmud. Judaism is the first of three religions based on the Old Testament. The second is Christianity, and the third is Islam. Moses is often depicted as the most important Jewish prophet.
Nationalism Political and Social System Feeling pride in one’s Nation, culture and traditions. Belief that each group is entitle to their own Nation.
Socialism Political, Social and Economic System System in which the government owns the essential means of production, distribution and exchange of goods. Society as a whole, not the individuals, owns all property. Example: Communism is a form of Socialism.
Taoism Philosophy, Religion and Social System that originated in ancient China. Advocates preserving and restoring the Tao in the body and the cosmos. The Ying Yang symbolizes a balance in nature. Founded by Lao Tzu, followers of his teachings often opposed the rigid structure of Chinese Legalism in favor of natural laws.
Monotheism Religion Belief in one God. Examples: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
Polytheism Religion Belief in many gods. Examples: Greek Mythology, Egyptian Mythology, Norse Mythology, Hinduism
Mercantilism Economic System Colonies existed for the benefit of the Mother Country. A Nation was regulated to export more than in imported to ensure a profit. Examples: The British and Spanish Empires of the sixteenth to eighteenth century used Mercantilism in their colonies.
Totalitarianism Political System Government in which one person or group controls all aspects of the political, economic, social, religious, educational, and cultural life of the nation with no regard for individual rights. Example: Joseph Stalin was a Communist Dictator of the totalitarian Soviet Union.
Tribalism Social System Human society is broken up into small independent subgroups called tribes based on a small ethnic or cultural identity. Examples include the Cherokee tribes in North America and the Pygmy tribes in Africa.
Zionism Political and Social movement Worldwide movement to gain support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Zionism in the twentieth century eventually led to the establishment of the nation of Israel after World War II.