Daily Oral Language Week 4 The Unlikeliest Hero Daily Oral Language Week 4
Sentence 1 desmond doss appeared to be an unlikely candidate for a military award but the lord uses those who are willing to be used
Sentence 2 as a seventh day adventist conscientious objector during world war II doss would neither train on saturdays nor carry a rifle
Sentence 3 doss was a gentle lanky war hero and for his heroics on the island of okinawa in 1945, the guest house at walter reed army medical center was renamed doss memorial hall
Sentence 4 born in lynchburg va doss served as a combat medic on guam the philippines and okinawa
Sentence 5 for the heroic feat of saving 75 sick and wounded soldiers on okinawa, doss was awarded the medal of honor by president harry s truman